Aviation Week & Space Technology - 3 November 2014

(Axel Boer) #1

BASF is a leading supplier of fuel performance packages worldwide. Kerojet® aviation fuel
additives can help reduce the costs of maintenance, improve eff ciency and sustain the high
performance of aviation gas turbines. Our additives improve the environmental footprint for
the airlines, reduce waste and improve the health and safety for maintenance crews: BASF’s
aviation fuel additives offer the potential to reduce the need for expensive and time consuming
tank draining procedures, biocide treatments and can reduce the risk of ice forming in the fuel
systems of aircrafts. In a nutshell: Kerojet® solutions save airlines time and money.

When high f yers love low costs, that’s because at BASF, we create chemistry.
Contact us: [email protected]

Visit us: http://www.basf.com/fuel-lubricant-solutions

We create chemistry

that makes high fl yers

love low costs.

EVO 1412

® = reg. trademark of BASF SE



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