Aviation Week & Space Technology - 3 November 2014

(Axel Boer) #1


Beyond groundbreaking color, PPG delivers service at
jet-speed through a global network like no other.

To expedite product delivery and bring technical resources closer to our aviation
customers, PPG offers global capability from 16 regional Application Support
Centers (ASCs) around the world. Besides providing direct access to our market-
leading coatings, sealants, and transparencies, ASCs offer rapid-response services
such as color matching and blending, window systems assembly, chemical
management, and value-added packaging for PPG coatings, sealants, and materials
supplied by customers. What else does proximity enable? For one, the arrival of
pre-mixed frozen sealants and customized sealant solutions that reduce process
time and waste—technicians thaw only what’s needed.

Visit ppginnovation.com/closetohome to learn how innovation at PPG is helping
our aviation customers.

The PPG Logo is a registered trademark and Bringing innovation to the surface is a trademark of PPG Industries Ohio, Inc.
Scan to learn more. © 2014 PPG Industries, Inc. All rights reserved.




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