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flightglobal.com 17-23 February 2015 | Flight International | 27

Can Predator
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ince the 4 February fatal
crash in Taipei of a TransAsia
Airways ATR 72-600, 49 pilots in
the carrier’s ATR fleet have taken
part in an examination of cockpit
emergency drills, at the orders of
Taiwan’s civil aviation authority

  • which has since stated that the
    competency of some of them
    needed to be “strengthened”.
    Taiwan’s Aviation Safety Coun-
    cil (ASC) is investigating whether
    after TransAsia flight GE235 had
    suffered a No 2 (right-hand) en-
    gine flameout during the early
    climb its crew mistakenly shut
    down the good No 1 engine, leav-
    ing the aircraft effectively a glider.
    The ASC says it is reviewing the
    carrier’s training syllabus, crew re-
    source management records and
    engine-failure checklist. The re-
    cent accident, in which 40 of the
    58 people on board are known to
    have died, was the airline’s second
    fatal ATR 72 accident in less than a
    year. The other incident, a 23 July
    2014 non-precision bad-weather
    approach at night to Magong air-
    port in the Penghu Islands, saw the
    aircraft hit trees and crash during
    an attempted go-around, killing 48
    of its 58 passengers and crew.

After the Taipei crash, the ASC
took the unusual step of publish-
ing part of the flight data recorder
(FDR) printout for the crashed
ATR 72-600 almost as soon as it
had been downloaded. The print-
out it released concerned only the
data for the aircraft’s engines, and
is a series of graphical lines de-
scribing the state of 12 different
engine parameters against a time-

line, with barometric altitude also
displayed. The graphs provide
numerical values for some param-
eters, while others just show
whether a switch was on or off –
such as the fuel shut-off valve.
This data tells the investigators, in
great detail, what happened, but
still not at this stage why.
The total airborne time for
flight GE235 was only 2min 40s
after it took off from runway 01 at
Taipei’s Songshan airport, bound
for Kinmen. All was going well for
45s after take-off, but as the air-
craft was climbing through about
1,200ft (pressure altitude) the tur-
bine temperature for the No 2 en-
gine dropped and the engine auto-
feathered. This confirms that the
crew had suffered the engine
“flame-out” they reported in a
Mayday call to air traffic control-
lers – without specifying which
engine. The aircraft continued to
climb on the power from the re-
maining No 1 engine, reaching a
maximum height of about 1,650ft.
The FDR graph shows the crew
allowed the power lever (throttle)
of the failed No 2 engine to stay
where it was, and started slowly
pulling back the power lever of en-
gine No 1. When the lever had

been retarded almost to idle set-
ting, the fuel was shut off and the
left engine also feathered. Just be-
fore they shut off fuel to No 1, the
crew advanced the throttle of the
failed No 2 engine as far as they
could, as if it would provide them
with additional power.

From that time onwards, the
crew had 1min 15s of gliding time
before coming down in the Kee-
lung river. Describing information
from the cockpit voice recorder,
the ASC says that, with 27s to go
before impact, “the crew began
shouting to ‘restart the car’”. In
widely broadcast videos of the
final seconds before the crash,
both the previously feathered pro-
pellers were turning, probably in
the process of an attempted restart.
The ASC says 10 TransAsia
ATR pilots were to undergo in-
tensive retraining on emergency

procedures following tests, and as
Flight International went to press
there were another 19 who had yet
to be tested. The crew evaluations
have forced TransAsia to reduce
capacity on routes served by its re-
maining 11 ATRs at a time of high
demand due to the impending
Chinese new year holiday, and the
carrier is deploying Airbus A320s
to cope with the shortfall.
The airline says it is also plan-
ning a “comprehensive” pro-
gramme, lasting from six to 12
months, to improve its safety
management systems, assisted by
US and European specialists. This
process will start in early March.
Perhaps the most famous case in
which a disaster occurred because
an engine failed and then the crew
mistakenly shut down the good
engine rather than the damaged
one was the British Midland Boe-
ing 737-400 crash at Kegworth,
UK, in 1989. In that case 47 of the
126 people on board died.
The investigation into the latest
TransAsia accident continues,
with the work being led by the
ASC with co-operation from China
and French investigation authority
BEA, as well as technical advisers
from manufacturer ATR. ■


TransAsia pilots fail in safety review

Taiwan’s aviation safety council presses airline to raise competency after skills assessment exposes serious shortcomings

Rex Features
Of the 58 passengers and crew on board the ATR 72-600, 40 are known to have died

The airline is planning
a “comprehensive”
programme to
improve its safety
management systems

Rex Features
A 2014 crash killed 48 people
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