
(Barré) #1

48 FlightCom Magazine

Air shows

The Botswana Air Show to be held at Matsieng Aerodrome (FBMA) in Botswana on
16 May 2015 is not only about a tremendous day of fun and excitement for aviation
enthusiasts all over Southern Africa.


16 MAY 2015


LL the proceeds,
after accounting
for the costs of
presenting the event,
are donated to local
charities and worthy
social institutions.
The organisers of
the 2014 Botswana Air Show were happy to
have made the following donations from the
proceeds of that year’s air show:
Sir Ketumile Masire Foundation: BWP
20,000 (ZAR 24,400)
Lady Khama Charitable Trust: BWP 50,000
(ZAR 61,000)
Motswedi Rehabilitation Centre for
Handicapped Persons: BWP 40,000 (ZAR

48,800). The Motswedi Rehabilitation Centre
is situated 5 km from Matsieng Aerodrome and
is functioning as a boarding and rehabilitation
centre for approximately 100 handicapped
The organisers of the Botswana Air Show
2015 would like to express their gratitude to the
many sponsors, benefactors, participants and
the visiting public which all contributed towards
making the Botswana Air Show a success for
three consecutive years, and they are all looking
forward to welcoming everybody to Matsieng
Aerodrome on 16 May 2015 for the Botswana
Air Show 2015.
Let’s all make a special effort this year and
have fun while knowing that proceeds go to
very worthy charitable causes.

Matsieng airfield 40 km outside Gaberone
attracted thousands of people last year.

Apart from being a really great air
show, the Botswana Air Show raised
R130,000 for local charities.
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