
(Ben Green) #1
operator, must be seen as something of an
But during an era in which even
asymmetric insurgent forces have heavy
anti-aircraft guns and, potentially, modern
‘double-digit’ SAMs, opportunities for
actually employing traditional COIN aircraft
are relatively limited. Recent operations
against Islamic State in Syria and Iraq have
demonstrated that aircraft are vulnerable
to enemy fi re, and that delivering stand-
off precision-guided munitions from the
sanctuary of relatively high altitude and long
range remains favorable. This has never been
the A-10C’s stock in trade, nor its forte.
Though the A-10C remains an extremely
useful and capable aircraft, it clearly
represents a niche capability — and that
niche is one that is becoming increasingly
narrow for the US. Though what its
advocates like most about the ‘Warthog’
is its simplicity, there is little doubt that
the two-seat A-10B NAW (Night/Adverse
Weather), with its rear cockpit and sensor
suite, would be a more useful aircraft today,
though still one that would be hard to justify
by comparison with more capable ‘full-
spectrum’ tactical fi ghters like the F-35 and
F-15E on the one hand, and cheaper light-
attack/ISR aircraft like the A-29, AT-6 or even
the IOMAX AT-802 on the other. Perhaps the
best hope for the devoted A-10C fan is that
the aircraft may go to an ally who still has
a real requirement for a robust anti-armor

This photo: The ‘Flying
Razorbacks’ of the Arkansas
ANG are out of the A-10
business now, with this example
shown  ring an AGM-65
Maverick. USAF/Jim Haseltine

Clockwise from below: Back in
the Cold War, A-10 pilots were
totally focused on tackling the
Soviet armor at low level.
USAF/ TSgt Dennis Plummer

The Lockheed Martin Sniper
pod provides exceptional
resolution and the ability to
monitor the situation on the
ground from the sanctuary of
higher altitudes.
Lockheed Martin

It is easy to see how medium-
level close air support has been
made possible thanks to GPS
and laser-guided weaponry
and advanced targeting pods.
Lockheed Martin


34-37 A-10 Opinion C.indd 37 19/03/2015 10:29

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