
(Ben Green) #1
fl y-by-wire system and the ‘carefree handling’
system that provides the cadets with an in-
fl ight safety envelope.
The Lavi has a datalink that allows an
online connection between airborne aircraft
and ground simulators, to enable advanced
training scenarios including formation fl ying
or 2-v-2 dogfi ghting. Its avionics also allow
for the creation of two additional synthetic
entities (aircraft, ground threats or targets
and so on) that appear on the aircraft’s
An advanced simulator will increase
the number of simulator sorties from 60 to
180 for each cadet, allowing for improved
preparations and increasing the effi ciency
of real aerial sorties. Unlike its predecessor,
the A-4, the Lavi will have no combat
assignments, so training will continue as
planned during alerts and times of tension.
One of the highlights of the new type
is the training package acquired together
with the airframes. This was designed and
manufactured by Israel’s Elbit Systems and
includes a range of simulators that are set to
render the training program more effi cient

80 May 2015 http://www.combataircraft.net

78-91 Lavi C.indd 80 19/03/2015 10:36

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