The Times - UK (2022-05-26)

(Antfer) #1

Our cult of perfection

has devalued beauty

James Marriott

Page 30

on friendly terms with Vladimir
Putin, wrote that “it is incompatible
with the rules of the existing world
order for Russia to annex Crimea”. A
few weeks later Russia annexed
Crimea. Three years later Kissinger
discovered it was after all compatible
and advised president-elect Donald
Trump to recognise the annexation.
Five years on and the lesson Putin
drew from all this was to try to get
the whole thing. Why on earth

would you believe that, “off-ramped”
with a large chunk of war-ravaged
Ukraine, rested and resupplied, he or
his successors would not be back for
the rest? Why would Ukrainians
believe this? Or “strategically
marginal” places such as Finland,
Estonia, Moldova?
It isn’t (as Barack Obama
discovered in Syria after 2013)
western red lines that create disasters
but the failure to act when they are
crossed. The Syrian failure established
a vacuum that Russia stepped into. A
year later Russia stepped into Crimea.
If Kissinger was offering honest
advice, why didn’t he deliver it to
Zelensky in private? Where Putin
and his advisers could not hear it
and take strength from it? Perhaps
because you can still, even at 98, be
horribly vain as well as terribly

Kissinger’s cynicism is music to Putin’s ears

Telling Ukraine it must surrender land to Russia reflects an outdated realpolitik that will only fuel future conflict


opponents. What the people of Chile
wanted was of no account.
Or, as his authorised biographer
Niall Ferguson put it, “arguments that
focus on loss of life in strategically
marginal countries — and there is no
other way of describing Argentina,
Bangladesh, Cambodia, Chile, Cyprus,
and East Timor — must be tested
against this question: how, in each
case, would an alternative decision
have affected US relations with
strategically important countries?”.
It’s not just that this attitude is
immoral — why do we go on so
much about liberty and democracy?
— or that it is outdated and has been
since 1989, but it doesn’t even work.
American action in Chile, for
example, helped poison US relations
with Latin America for half a century.
In 2014 as the Russians seemed to
threaten Crimea, Kissinger, always

Henry Kissinger appears to give no
weight to what the Ukrainians want

Volodymyr Zelensky and his people
that there is a limit to how far the
United States and Nato will go to
confront Russia”. The editorial board
can conceive of no argument about
this from other Nato countries. I
would be ashamed to have written
such an editorial.
There are a series of expressions
that leach out of the expert world
and come to infect the pundit world.
“Mission creep” and “exit strategy”
were two from the 1990s. Today we
have “off-ramping”. Vladimir Putin,
having invaded his unthreatening
neighbour, causing thousands of
civilian and military deaths and
billions of pounds worth of damage,
must now be offered something to
get him to go away. Something small
to celebrate, like a piece of Ukraine.
He should be given territorial
Danegeld so he can exit the Total
War Highway.
As for the bloodied but “wise”
Ukrainians, they will be persuaded
that although they have fought the
school bully to a standstill, refusing
to hand over their pocket money,
they need now to help him save face
by just giving him half of it. That’ll
learn him.
This, apparently, is “realism”. So to
counter Russian hyper-cynicism, we
are invited to adopt Kissingerian big
power cynicism. We’ll talk the talk of
freedom and territorial sovereignty,
and do the deed of rewarding the
nuclear-armed aggressor with a bit
of someone else’s land.
That this would be Kissinger’s view
is no revelation. When the socialist
Allende government was elected in
Chile in 1970 Kissinger led those
advocating a policy of non-tolerance
on the basis that the US could not
afford an apparently successful leftist
government in its backyard. What he
could tolerate was a far-right
dictatorship that murdered its


think they call it “skin in the
game”. In Davos on Monday the
98-year-old Henry Kissinger was
speaking on the subject of
Ukraine. He advocated that
Ukraine should cede territory to
Russia and end the war by returning
to the “status quo ante”. This would
involve Ukraine accepting the Russian
occupation of Crimea and agreeing
to Russian de facto annexation of
two provinces (provinces which are
still fiercely contested).
I didn’t hear him. Somehow my
Davos invitation, like my
knighthood, fails to arrive year after
year. But the next day I was at the
Education World Forum in London
to hear the Ukrainian education
minister, Serhiy Shkarlet, talk about
how his country has tried to keep
children’s learning going under
Russian bombardment. He spoke, he
said, “as a teacher, a father and a
Ukrainian” and repeated his
president’s determination not to give
up Ukrainian territory in the face of
Russia’s criminal aggression. He
received a standing ovation.
As far as we can tell, a significant
majority of Ukrainians agree with
their education minister and not
with a foreign nonagenarian who
was never elected by anyone and
who departed his last administration
when James Callaghan was prime
However, Kissinger’s great-
grandfatherly advice, in which he
exhorted Ukrainians to “show
wisdom”, coincides with the ending

of the mild triumphalism that
followed Russia’s withdrawal from
around Kyiv. Now in the east it’s a
war of terrible attrition and the
Russians have the brute advantage.
They are laying waste to the region
in order to occupy it and we have
entered a new phase. Meanwhile,
though the Ukrainians do the dying,
the rest of us feel a growing
discomfort. No one is bombing us,
but prices are going up. So perhaps
Kissinger was just spelling out in
clear terms what others are thinking
but are too mealy-mouthed to
Take this example. Last week The
New York Times carried an editorial
of Janus-like opacity on the subject
of the war. Yes, the authors said, back
in March they had been right to
argue that “Ukraine deserves
support against Russia’s unprovoked
aggression” and that resistance to
Putin’s violence had to be led by the
US. “That goal cannot shift”, they

wrote. Then added, “but”. “But
popular support for a war far from
US shores will not continue
indefinitely. Inflation is a much
bigger issue for American voters
than Ukraine.”
But does anything flow from this
“but”, which suddenly qualifies what
was supposedly an unshakeable
determination? Well, apparently Kyiv
must make some war-ending
decisions which, the newspaper
asserts, are “painful territorial” ones.
Such as what? Alas, unlike
Kissinger, the authors do not care to
say but rather advise President Biden
to “make clear to President

In the 1990s we had

‘exit strategy’. Today

we have ‘off-ramping’

If he was offering

honest advice, why not

deliver it in private?



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