The Times - UK (2022-05-25)

(Antfer) #1

34 2GM Wednesday May 25 2022 | the times

Wo r l d

Germany will

return jewels

to Namibia

A museum in Berlin has agreed to send
23 ancient items of jewellery, tools and
other artefacts back to Namibia on in-
definite loan in an attempt to foster re-
conciliation more than a century after
Germany committed genocide in its
former colony.
“The collections reflect colonial, and
in some cases extremely violent, pro-
cesses of appropriation,” the Berlin
Ethnological Museum said. “They also
show the creativity and ingenuity of the
Namibian people.” The artefacts will be
handed back and made available to
local artists and academics for re-
search. Esther Moombolah, the direct-
or of the National Museum of Namibia,
said Namibians should not “have to get
on a plane to see our cultural treasures”.
About 75,000 people were killed in
what was then the German colony of
Deutsch-Südwestafrika between 1904
and 1907 when German forces crushed
the Herero and Nama peoples and
drove the survivors into the desert,
where thousands died.

David Crossland Berlin

Awfully wetted wife A white wedding for Murat Zhurayev and his bride Kamilla descended into a mucky farce, captured on camera by Askar Bumaga in Kazakhstan


The wealthy founder of one of France’s
biggest insurance brokers has been
charged with human trafficking and
raping a minor after a 22-year-old
woman told police that he had held her
as a slave for five years.
Jacques Bouthier, 75, who is said to be
worth about €160 million, was head of
Assu 2000. He was arrested and held
along with his wife and four other
people. Police suspect he may have kept

Donald Trump’s endorsed Republican
candidate for governor of Georgia,
David Perdue, ended his underwhelm-
ing primary campaign with an attack
on his Democratic rival Stacey Abrams,
accusing her of “demeaning her own
race” and telling her to “go back where
she came from”.
Trailing in the polls to the
Republican governor Brian
Kemp, despite strong support
from the former president,
Perdue used his final rally of
an ugly primary race to issue a
racist dog whistle to his sup-
porters targeting Abrams, the
black woman leading the race
for the Democratic nomination.
Responding to comments
made by Abrams at the weekend
reflecting upon Georgia’s poor rank-
ing among US states on several
issues, including mental health and
incarceration rates, Perdue asked his
largely white audience if they had
seen “what Stacey said”.
“She said that Georgia is the worst
place in the country to live,” Perdue
said. “Hey, she ain’t from here. Let her
go back where she came from if she

Trump candidate tells black rival

to ‘go back where she came from’

doesn’t like it here.” Appearing at a
“tele-rally” for Perdue on Monday,
Trump also attacked Abrams, claiming
she would “radicalise your children and
plunder your wealth”.
Perdue went on to discuss comments
she made in 2018 that residents
“shouldn’t have to go into agriculture or
hospitality to make a living in Georgia”.
He added: “When she told black farm-
ers, ‘You don’t need to be on the farm,’
and she told black workers in hospi-
tality and all this, ‘You don’t need
to be,’ she is demeaning her own.”
Abrams, 48, was born in
Wisconsin and lived in Missis-
sippi before moving to Georgia
as a teenager. She served in
Georgia’s house of representa-
tives for a decade. On Monday
she declined to comment on
Perdue’s remarks.
“Regardless of which Republican
it is, I have yet to hear them articulate
a plan for the future of Georgia,” she
told MSNBC.
Trump’s endorsement and a strate-
gy based on repeating the former
president’s claims that the 2020 presi-
dential election was stolen have been
unable to revive Perdue’s floundering
campaign. He trailed Kemp by more
than ten points before voting yester-

day, seemingly handing Trump his big-
gest defeat of the primary season so far.
Kemp, denounced by Trump as “a
turncoat” and “a loser” for refusing to
help overturn the 2020 election result
in Georgia, will go forward to face
Abrams in the race for governor at
midterm elections in November. The
contest offers a rematch of their bitter
2018 race, when Kemp defeated
Abrams amid allegations of systematic
voter suppression by Republicans,
targeting black and other minorities
likely to lean Democratic.
Trump issued a last-ditch statement
yesterday, again lambasting Kemp for
refusing to intervene in the 2020 elect-
ion and claiming that his supporters
would not turn out for him, handing the
midterm election to Abrams.
Perdue’s struggles have exposed limi-
tations to Trump’s hold over the Repub-
lican Party and its core voters, opening
the door to rivals eyeing a challenge for
the presidential nomination in 2024.
Trump is still obsessed by his narrow
2020 defeat in Georgia, where he was
recorded pressuring Georgia’s secre-
tary of state Brad Raffensperger to “find
11,780 votes” to overturn Joe Biden’s vic-
tory. Seeking retribution for Kemp and
Raffensperger’s disloyalty, Trump has
backed rival challengers to both men.

United States
Hugh Tomlinson Washington

David Perdue ended
his campaign by
latching on to Stacey
Abrams’s remark
that “Georgia is the
worst place in the
country to live”

He added
ers, ‘Yo
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Tycoon accused of keeping teenage girls as sex slaves

up to seven teenagers successively in a
flat in the Paris area over several years.
Bouthier has denied the charges and
says he is the victim of blackmail,
according to France Info radio. He re-
signed from his company, which
changed its name to Vilavi this year and
which employs 1,800 people. It said the
case had no impact on its activities,
which include loans and car insurance.
The investigation opened when the
woman went to a police station in Paris
in March and said she had been the
captive of a very rich man for five years,

starting when she was 15. She had been
forced to provide sex in return for food
and lodging. She had been free to come
and go but was under strict control.
She said she had been ordered to find a
younger replacement after Bouthier told
her she had grown too old for his needs,
investigators told media. She recruited a
14-year-old girl and took video footage of
the younger girl in bed with Bouthier,
which she gave to the police.
Bouthier was listed by Challenges
business magazine in 2020 as No 487 in
France’s 500 richest people.

Charles Bremner Paris

Jacques Bouthier is
worth €160 million
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