The Washington Post - USA (2022-05-25)

(Antfer) #1


one in the District — were “exact-
ly right” and she remains com-
mitted to seeing those promises
“We needed systems changes.
We needed better facilities. We
needed casework. And at the end
of it, we needed affordable hous-
ing. And that is why we’re having
the success that we’re having with
families,” Bowser said. “We also
know that we we’ve created a
road map to do it across our
entire system.”

An ambitious plan

When the mayor took office in
2015, homelessness was on the
Family homelessness had in-
creased 50 percent over the previ-
ous five years, according to the
District. That year, the city logged
nearly 8,000 people during its
annual head count of those living
on the streets or in shelters. That
was a 20 percent increase overall
from 2010.
More than 400 veterans were
identified during the annual
count, roughly 5 percent of D.C.'s
homeless population and an in-
crease from 2011, the first year
the city broke out veteran home-
To plug gaps in its overtaxed
shelter system, D.C. spent mil-
lions of dollars on motel rooms in
the District and Maryland to
provide temporary shelter to the
unhoused, particularly during
cold-weather months.
In an effort to get a handle on
the crisis, Bowser’s team laid out
the “Homeward DC” plan. It had
ambitious benchmarks: By the
end of 2015, the District would
end veteran homelessness. Two
years later, it would end chronic
homelessness — those living in a
shelter or on the street for a year
or more, or those who have had
multiple instances of homeless-
ness — among families and indi-
viduals. By 2020, the mayor said,
anyone seeking shelter in the
District would be rehoused in
under 60 days.
“In a city as prosperous as ours,
with the right leadership and a
sustained, and in our case in-
creasing, funding commitment,
we can accomplish big things in
the area of homelessness,” Bows-
er said.
Her plan included prioritizing
the closure of the problem-ridden
D.C. General family shelter in the
wake of the disappearance of
8-year-old Relisha Rudd — one of
the mayor’s 2014 campaign prom-
“Closing D.C. General was a
hard thing to do, but it was a very
good thing to do,” said Amber
Harding, a staff attorney at the
Washington Legal Clinic for the
Homeless. “It was important for
the mayor to do things the way
she said she was going to do
In the place of D.C. General,
Bowser oversaw the rollout of
smaller, more family-friendly
shelters in each of the District’s
eight wards, in some cases over
the vocal opposition of residents.
The last one, in Ward 1, opened
last year. Building the shelters,
which provide 312 units to home-
less families, cost about


$165.5 million, according to the
D.C. Department of Human Ser-
vices (DHS).
“[I wanted to] make sure that
our city didn’t have a system,
especially for families experienc-
ing emergencies, where they
were in an old hospital that was
too large and wasn’t set up for
families or workers to succeed, a
facility where we lost a child, so I
made that commitment,” the
mayor said. “We have more digni-
fied housing, we have better case-
work, and we have driven down
family homelessness by 78 per-
cent. So if you ask me how I feel
about keeping that promise, I’m
immensely proud.”
The coronavirus pandemic ar-
rived in Washington in March

  1. Soon, more residents began
    to resist entering the shelter sys-
    tem, advocates said, because they
    were afraid of catching the deadly
    virus in crowded shelter settings.
    Federal guidance recommended
    leaving those who were camped
    on the street where they were,
    even as businesses and services
    throughout downtown shuttered.
    At the same time, the pandem-
    ic enabled the mayor to move
    more families out of the shelter
    system and into housing amid a
    massive influx of federal funding
    for housing programs, an evic-
    tion moratorium and emergency
    pandemic relief. Homelessness,
    as a result, declined further.
    As of this month, according to
    DHS, 129 families were living in
    an emergency shelter. That’s less
    than half the population of the
    often overcrowded D.C. General
    shelter, which at capacity housed
    270 families. On average, D.C.
    officials said, families remain in a
    shelter for fewer than 90 days.
    The number of veterans ex-
    periencing homelessness has
    halved over Bowser’s tenure — as

of this year, according DHS, the
District logged 205 unhoused vet-
Just over 1,000 adults — about
700 men and 300 women — are
living in a shelter, DHS said. As of
June 16, there were 38 open beds.

Finding stability
A key component of the may-
or’s efforts to reduce homeless-
ness has been “rapid rehousing,”
which provides subsidized rent
for four months to a year. Bowser
has invested heavily in expanding
the program.
Participants begin by paying
30 percent of their income
toward rent, with the District
picking up the rest of the tab.
Over time, the amount of assis-
tance gradually declines so resi-
dents can ease into paying mar-
ket rent once they have secured
more stable employment or over-
come whatever crises put them at
risk of homelessness in the first
place. But once the rapid rehous-
ing voucher expires, unless recip-
ients qualify for more permanent
support, they must pay full rent
or move.
In fiscal 2021, the District allo-
cated more than $98.6 million to
rapid rehousing, compared with
$28.5 million five years prior.
That year, the city subsidized rent
for 3,400 families and 521 indi-
viduals, according to DHS data.
For nearly 300 of them, pandemic
extensions expired at the end of
Critics say the rapid rehousing
program has helped Bowser keep
shelter numbers down without
addressing many of the root
causes of homelessness, in partic-
ular, the skyrocketing cost of
housing in D.C.
The city “simply gets them out
of shelter and into rapid rehous-
ing. And there they stay for six

months. And then they get ex-
tended for another six months,
and then they’re evicted,” D.C.
Council Chairman Phil Mendel-
son (D) told reporters earlier this
month. “It doesn’t help these
families in the long run.”
“Often the mayor frames the
question on rapid rehousing as,
‘Would you rather people be in
shelter or be in housing?’ And of
course the answer is housing,”
said Harding, the staff attorney at
the Washington Legal Clinic for
the Homeless. “But permanent
housing is better than rapid re-
housing. So for us, it’s not a
question of do you leave people in
shelter forever or you put them in
rapid rehousing. It should be a
question of, ‘Do you give people
the kind of housing that actually
serves their needs?’ ”
Laura Zeilinger, the director of
DHS who oversees many of the
city’s homelessness programs, ac-
knowledged that housing afford-
ability remains one of the main
drivers of homelessness in the
District and one of the govern-
ment’s greatest obstacles to re-
ducing it. But, she said, rapid
rehousing was never meant to be
long term.
“The way I see rapid rehousing
is the purpose of the program is
to help families quickly transi-
tion from homelessness to hous-
ing,” Zeilinger said. They can “use
that time to get to a place of
greater stability.”

‘We are the toss-aways’
Helen, a 51-year-old native
Washingtonian who has been
homeless since late last year and
asked that she be identified only
by her middle name, said she had
not yet lost her housing when she
was accepted into the rapid re-
housing program in the fall. How-
ever, she said, she struggled to
find a new home.
Management companies
didn’t seem to care that she had a
voucher, and an old eviction fil-
ing on her record proved prob-
lematic. She dug into her bank
account to cover application fees
and transportation to tour apart-
ment buildings around the Dis-
trict, she said, only to be rejected
half a dozen times.
By winter, she had run out of
ideas and resources. She couldn’t
afford her rent, and after spend-
ing a few nights at a hotel, she
couldn’t afford that, either.
“We are the toss-aways in this
society,” Helen said. “People will
save the manatees ... they’ll pro-
test for the unborn, but God help
you if you need city services at a
rough time in your life.”
She said she suffered “a mas-
sive panic attack” and checked
herself into the Psychiatric Insti-
tute of Washington, afraid that
the nonstop panic might trigger
her heart condition. When she
was discharged, the medical cen-
ter sent her to a homeless shelter.
It was the first time in her life
that Helen had been homeless,
she said. After contracting the
coronavirus in March 2020, she
developed long-haul symptoms
that snowballed into two years of
struggle. While she was in the
shelter, sharing a room with sev-
en other women, she again tested
positive for the virus. She was
moved to a quarantine hotel,
where she stayed for 10 days.
By the time she was cleared to
leave, Helen said, it was late
April. Hypothermia season regu-
lations requiring D.C. shelters to
take in everyone who asks had
expired. She wandered the
streets, slept in parks and on
stoops. She was assaulted twice,
she said, by a man who was

staying in a tent near where she
often rested in Logan Circle.
“I had nowhere to go,” Helen
said. “If I had gotten the treat-
ment I needed, the housing I was
offered, if there were beds for the
huge number of people who need
them, I wouldn’t have gotten
raped twice.”
Helen, who says she has strug-
gled with mental health issues,
addiction and trauma made
worse by the assaults, asked that
her full name not be used because
she doesn’t want to risk prejudic-
ing future potential landlords
against her.
“This is a series of failings on
the city government that I have
paid taxes to since I was 20,”
Helen said. “They failed me again
and again and again.”
Bowser said she shares the
desire to see more progress on
reducing homelessness among
single adults.
“I can certainly understand
anyone who doesn’t have perma-
nent safe housing wanting us to
move faster,” the mayor said. “I
share that sense of urgency.”
Zeilinger said the rapid re-
housing program is a work in
progress. The District has already
begun adding services to bolster
the off-ramp that will connect
voucher recipients to career de-
velopment counseling, income
support services or other rent
subsidy programs.
But, she said, the mayor is not
interested in turning rapid re-
housing into another long-term
voucher program. Permanent
supportive vouchers that pay all
or part of a resident’s rent long
term are based on income, she
said. Once households receive
over a certain amount, they risk
losing that voucher — regardless
of whether they can pay for
market-rate housing.
Instead, Zeilinger said, the
Bowser administration is focused
on ways to increase affordable
housing options and “build
“Let’s fix the systemic issues
and what families want and what
they tell us are careers,” Zeilinger
said. “If we want families to
achieve economic mobility and
achieve wealth, they’re not going
to be able to do that on a [perma-
nent] voucher.”

From tents to apartments
Even as the number of people
living in the streets or in shelters
in D.C. has declined, the issue of
homelessness has become more
visible as tents, tarps and en-
campments have multiplied
across the city. Wayne Turnage,
deputy mayor for health and
human services, h as said the
number of encampments in-
creased by more than 40 percent
from 2020 to 2021.
Last year, the Bowser adminis-
tration launched a $3.9 million
pilot program aimed at perma-
nently clearing homeless en-
campments and turning specific
sites into no-camping zones by
offering one-year leases to en-
campment residents through the
rapid rehousing program. As of
this month, the pilot has placed
99 people into apartments, ac-
cording to the District.
Bowser said 88 percent of the
homeless people engaged by the
pilot were ultimately given
vouchers. It’s not clear what help
will be available to them in the
fall when the vouchers expire.
The mayor declined to say wheth-
er the pilot would be expanded or
continue in its current form.
Homeless advocates and elect-
ed officials have criticized the
encampment removal program

over initial missteps, including
an incident in which a homeless
man was scooped up by a front-
loader as District crews worked
to clear his tent under a Metro
overpass in Northeast Washing-
ton last year. They say the city has
also underestimated the amount
of additional services — mental
health care, addiction services
and employment help, among
other things — people experienc-
ing homelessness would need
upon being handed the keys to a
place of their own.
Staci Jameson went from
weathering the pandemic by liv-
ing in a tent with her partner,
Savon Peterson, near the Safeway
on 17th Street NW to securing an
apartment in a building on Mas-
sachusetts Avenue NW last sum-
mer. She did not get her voucher
through the encampment clear-
ing program, but her experience
still reflects some of the chal -
lenges people face when they
move from the streets to housing
without adequate support.
She has struggled to adjust and
has had run-ins with the police.
Several incidents have put build-
ing staff and her neighbors on
edge, and the management com-
pany may revoke her housing.
The program, which was
paused during the cold weather
months, will continue this spring.
The D.C. Council earlier this year
considered but ultimately did not
pass legislation to rein in the
mayor’s ability to permanently
evict people from the city’s side-
walks and parks. And the majori-
ty of people polled by The Wash-
ington Post in February support-
ed the effort.
“I won’t say that there is not
more work to do with the pro-
gram. There always is,” Bowser
said. “But I have heard D.C.
residents loud and clear that
want better for their homeless
neighbors, for their unhoused
neighbors, but they also want to
feel safer in their own communi-
ties. And they don’t if they’re
living close to these encamped
Bowser said her administra-
tion remains focused on getting
homeless residents off the street
and into housing, but, she added,
it’s often not enough to stop
“Folks have a lot of hurdles,
some of them mental health,
some of them substance abuse, a
lot, a lot of trauma. And so it
requires a lot of work to try to get
them to trust that they can be
moved into a safer situation,”
Bowser said. “We’re always going
to be working to get people out of
the tent.”

‘Rare, brief and
Last year, D.C. transitioned to
what advocates and city officials
say is a “more realistic” plan to
prevent homelessness. “Home-
ward 2.0” aims to eliminate racial
inequities in the homelessness
services system and defines the
“end of homelessness” as making
homelessness “rare, brief and
“While a plan to end homeless-
ness does not guarantee an end to
poverty in our community, hav-
ing a safe, stable place to call
home is an important first step in
any person’s or family’s journey
to increase income, improve
health, and increase overall well-
being,” the plan says.
Zeilinger uses the metric of
rarity and brevity to grade her
own department and the Bowser
administration’s progress on the
issue. She gives the city high
marks for family homelessness.
“We have been really effective
at preventing families, when pre-
vention can happen, from experi-
encing homelessness. That’s evi-
dent in our data,” Zeilinger said.
“Our length of stay in shelter is
under 90 days on average, some-
times shorter. So, that rare and
brief is really exciting. We have
ended chronic homelessness for
To replicate that success for
individuals and unaccompanied
youths, D.C. is streamlining the
intake program for homeless resi-
dents to access services. Right
now, Zeilinger said, the process is
“fragmented” and “a lot more
complicated” than it should be.
The solution to get the num-
bers down, she said, is both
simple and complex: more af-
fordable housing.
Bowser has proposed funnel-
ing a record $500 million in one
year to the city’s Housing Produc-
tion Trust Fund, though Mendel-
son cut that back by about
$54 million in favor of funding
more long-term vouchers for low-
income families. The trust fund
subsidizes construction of desig-
nated affordable housing for peo-
ple at certain income levels.
“It’s not like we don’t know
how to proceed and we’re stuck,”
Zeilinger said. “We know exactly
what it’s going to take.”

Kyle Swenson and Julie Zauzmer
Weil contributed to this report.

Bowser sees progress on ambitious homelessness goals

D.C. General, the troubled family homeless shelter that Mayor Muriel E. Bowser prioritized closing after she took office in 2015, sits
shuttered in October 2018. In its place, she oversaw the rollout of smaller, more family-friendly shelters in each of the city’s eight wards.

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