
(Joyce) #1


DRIFTERS rock!” This was how RA-
Aus CEO, Michael Linke described
his first flight in a Drifter at the an-
nual Bange’s Field fly-in which was
held in March.
Michael was in Clifton with several of the RA-Aus
board members as part of the organisation’s efforts
to reconnect with the membership.
Michael took the flight after addressing a crowd
of more than 60 members about the changes which
have or will soon take place in the way the organisa-
tion operates, including discussions currently taking
place with CASA, Airservices Australia and the ATSB.
The meeting was well received with most people
agreeing the changes we are seeing are positive and
a step in the right direction.
“I couldn’t believe how many aircraft attended
this fly-in,” Michael said.
“At the last NATFLY we had about 120 aircraft
and here we have seen over 100 fly in from all over
Queensland and Northern NSW.
“It really has been an eye-opener for me,” he said.
For other people the roll-up of aircraft came as no
Bill Jensen flew in from Archerfield in his Jabiru
and said he wouldn’t miss this event for the world.
“You can keep your hyped up shows like Avalon,”
Bill said. “To me the real grass roots aviation is in
places like Clifton”.
“You can come here, be made to feel welcome
and everyone has a chance to catch up and have a
good yarn.
“It was good to see the CEO of RA-Aus here. In the


Clifton turns it on


Michael Linke gives the thumbs
up for his Drifter flight

Just SuperStol. Photo: David Wilson

Photo: David Wilson

Mal Shipton with
his stunning
Cessna 140
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