HEN you are 59 years old and tell your wife of 36 years
that you want to fly an Aerochute, her reply is probably
standard. “You are just going through a mid-life crisis.” To
which I replied “If I live for another 59 years I will definitely spend the
kid’s inheritance.”
What sold me on the idea of flying an Aerochute was that there had
never been a fatality in one. Although I have done a few ground break-
ing things in Colac, being the first fatality in an Aerochute was not my
idea of doing something ground breaking.
I worked in the quarrying industry all my life and trained many op-
erators how to feel what the loader, the off road dump truck or the
excavator was doing as they operated. It came as a shock to me that
I was not able to feel the Aerochute the way I had grown comfortable
doing with heavy earth moving machines.
I will be the first to admit I was probably slower than a younger per-
son at acquiring the skills needed to fly competently. The nervousness
from Steve Conte as I tried my first touch and go with him beside me
went unnoticed, except for a flinch when I hit too hard. After I flew solo
for the first time I returned attached to the head of one of the thistles
which grew around the edge of the airfield. I had missed the field com-
pletely. But with perseverance and practice I was able to land pretty
close to my chosen mark on the field.
I helped out and enjoyed the Aerochute championships flight on
the long weekend. The comradeship and jokes were shared by all on
the day. I was even offered a hefty bribe from one team to shorten the
tape measure.
Since purchasing my Hummerchute, I have flown six hours and
have gone through one aborted take-off. But I feel immense pleasure
from my achievements. I have planned my first trip to NSW and will
use the Hummerchute to flush pigs out of the wheat crops (one of the
main reasons I wanted to fly an Aerochute).
Learning to fly an Aerochute was different to anything I have done
for a long time. It was both mentally and physically stimulating and I
would recommend it to anyone. As they say ‘Just do it!’
Flying with Steve
David’s first
solo landing
First solo Last dual check