
(Joyce) #1


THE Tech department has recently received a number of enquiries
from people intending to build two seat trikes and two seat Powered
Information regarding amateur-built requirements for RA-Aus
members is provided in CAO 95.55 para 1.2(e) but here is a summary.
Trikes and Powered Parachutes can be amateur-built (according to
the Major Portion rule) if the kits are not manufactured by an or-
ganisation holding a certificate of approval to manufacture
(i.e. with involvement by CASA or any other regulatory au-
thority). Plans-built machines are definitely compliant.
So as a builder you are able to build your per-
sonal Powered Parachute Mark 1 from plans or as-
semble it from a kit, remembering you must com-
ply with Section 3.3.1 of the current Tech Manual
and all that other stuff (like the Major Portion rule)
which is on the website at http://www.raa.asn.au.
If you don’t have access to the web, call our of-
fice for a Builder’s Pack. Don’t forget to advise the
Tech Manager before you start on your project. This is to
make sure the project is suitable for registration by RA-Aus.
This really confirms the cornerstone of the amateur-built
concept, which is that the builder (and the builder alone) takes full
responsibility for all elements, information, equipment and quality of
components and the airworthiness of the aircraft.
Being able to amateur build a kit from a manufacturer will help the
process and implies that the manufacturer has had some oversight
from a government authority somewhere. Never forget, however, there
is absolutely no doubt the amateur builder (and any subsequent pur-
chaser of an amateur built aircraft) carries full responsibility.

Amateur responsibility



darren Barnfield RA-Aus Technical Manager


confirms the

cornerstone of

the amateur-

built concept”

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