
(Joyce) #1



No one else in the world had ever used this
engine and it wasn’t really available yet, because
the boys at Rotax were still ironing out a few wrin-
kles. The Airplane Factory had not figured out
how to install it yet. Also, it wasn’t like a Continen-
tal or Lycoming where fuel injection, at least from
a pilot’s perspective, was a fuel pump switch in
the place of the carb heat handle. In fact this
engine turned out to be everything we pilots had
been crying for since the Wright brothers.
What I didn’t get was that the 912is is con-
trolled entirely by computer. The drawback
of course, is that it needs electricity. No one
thought to mention that when I ordered the
engine. It took me a while to let go of the secu-
rity of my trusty old magnetos, the way a baby
finally parts with a dummy. But I was won over
by the fact that that the engine has two alter-
nators which automatically back each other
up in the event one fails and that the battery
can provide electricity for a while even in the
unlikely event of a dual alternator failure. Inter-
estingly, the alternators are not belt driven, but
are driven directly by the crank and they run
submerged in engine oil.
I took delivery in November 2012. The
512nm delivery flight to home took 4.5 hours
and I burned just 60 litres of fuel. That’s got to

be some kind of a record.
Gone were the days of stressing about stu-
dents running out of fuel when flying into head-
winds or getting lost on their solo long navs.
We put 100 hours on that little plane in the
first three weeks and then one Sunday morning
an ab-initio student on a solo navex had had an
engine failure. The nose wheel had collapsed

in soft sand, but except for that, and the prop,
there was no damage. As it turned out, the
clamp that held the fuel line to the engine wasn’t
up to the three and a half bar of fuel pressure
and the hose had become disconnected. It was
an installation problem, not an engine problem.
It cost hardly more than the excess to repair the
damage and so I didn’t bother the insurance


912is is


entirely by


Slings ready to go to work
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