
(Romina) #1
Following the wood repairs, the
fuselage and wing were given a
fresh fabric skin, using a bolt of
Irish linen with a 1943 inspection
date stamp. This was given six
coats of red dope and two of
aluminium dope, the latter for
ultra-violet protection.

Cockpit heritage
At some time in the past the whole
of the cockpit interior had been
treated to a liberal brush coating
of zinc chromate primer, even over
the instrument dials. This must
have been done to help protect
from corrosion. All cockpit fittings
have been removed and fully

restored to original condition, and
many are already back in place.
The cockpit canopy was
challenging. It was believed it
would probably cause more harm
than good to try and remove
the Perspex from the frame as
some of the panels were already
cracked and the rear panels were
chafed from the fairings for the
dummy gun turret. It was decided
we could not excessively polish
the Perspex and
risk losing this evidence
of the aircraft’s history.
So the canopy frame
was carefully stripped
of its original paint,

both inside and out, and the whole
assembly masked and resprayed.
The canopy is now refitted to the

Giving up secrets
During restoration, the prototype
has revealed many of its secrets.
The airframe is liberally adorned
with signatures of personnel
who worked on it. There are also
handwritten notes and serial
numbers. When we came across
any of these we gave them a coat
of clear dope to protect them for
Other secrets and anomalies
found include the mounting points

for the dummy turret, a flare
chute situated in the rear fuselage
and oversize elevator trim wheel
(unique to W4050).
Of particular note are the
Handley Page leading edge slats.
These were tested during early
flight trials – but, with low speed
handling more than acceptable,
they were deemed unnecessary,
strapped back and eventually
covered in fabric. On dismantling
them we found that, apart from
a couple of corroded and broken
control cables, the operating
mechanism was complete and
in excellent condition. We have
decided that, as they are a

May 2015 FLYPAST 115

The restored forward fuselage of the
prototype with its new fabric covering.

The original (short) engine nacelle
with the extended version applied
directly over it.

112-116_Mossie_fpSBB.indd 115 16/03/2015 14:33

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