
(Romina) #1
38 FLYPAST May 2015


was parlous and there was a serious
shortage of ammunition.
On the evening of the 25th, the
Lysanders of 613 attacked a battery
of large field guns on the outskirts
of Peuplingues, southwest of Calais.
Despite heavy anti-aircraft fire, they
successfully dive-bombed the target
and all returned safely. While the
Lysanders were airborne the Hector
flight, led by Sqn Ldr Anderson,
arrived at Hawkinge to repeat the
attack but, after standing by for a
short time, was ordered to return to

There was little rest as shortly after
04:00 on May 26 Sqn Ldr Anderson,
flying in K9706 with Plt Off
Wesson as his gunner, led a flight of
Hectors down to Hawkinge once
more. With Anderson were Plt Off
Bernard Brown and LAC R V Brown
in K8111, Plt Offs Allen Edy and

was parlous and there was a serious
shortage of ammunition.

‘Tiger’ Houghton (K8127), Plt Off D
Stewart and LAC Conache (K9727),
Plt Off Paddy Barthropp and AC1
MacKinnon (K9781) and Plt Off
Gore and AC1 Leathen (K8108).
On arrival they were given a long
briefing by ACM Sir Edgar Ludlow-
Hewitt, the inspector-general of the
RAF and were shocked to hear the
BEF had been driven back to the
Channel coast. The Hectors and
other aircraft were being sent to
support the Calais garrison trapped
in the town’s Citadel.
That 613’s antiquated biplanes
were being called upon underlined
how desperate the situation was.
Each Hector was loaded with two
120lb general purpose (GP) bombs
and left Hawkinge for the target

  • the same one the Lysanders had
    attacked the previous day.
    Anderson led six Hectors off at
    09:50 in two sections of three. The
    first, led by the CO, intended to

approach the target from the north
and carry out diving attacks using
the forward-facing Vickers machine
gun and dropping bombs as a salvo.
Plt Off Gore led the second section,
planning a similar strike from the

Over the Channel, Plt Off Bernard
Brown test-fired his front gun. After
a few rounds the muzzle exploded
and holed the fuel tank, spraying him
with petrol. He jettisoned his bombs
and attempted to return to Hawkinge
but finally ran out of fuel and force-
landed on Herne Bay golf course.
Calais was wreathed in smoke haze as
the rest of the Hectors dive-bombed.
Arriving over the town at 4,000ft, Plt
Off Stewart spotted a German gun
position and, despite the heavy flak,
dived down to 900ft and released a
bomb before climbing back unscathed
and setting course for Hawkinge.

A rare fl ying view of a
613 Squadron Hector at
the time of the ‘ops’ over

Plt Off Paddy Barthropp
fl ew on the fi rst Hector
operation. P LAKE

Right centre
In the spring of 1940
Lysander IIs began to
arrive on 613 Squadron;
L4799 illustrated. J BEEDLE

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