
(Romina) #1


64 FLYPAST 64 FLYPAST May 2015May 2015

As an airworthy machine rather
than a ‘rough’ airframe, work
was an ‘Inspection and Repair As
Necessary’ (IRAN) but with one
major structural change – the nose
was removed and a more familiar
glazed nose installed, complete with
Norden bombsight and 0.50 calibre
guns. Another turret was sourced
along with new guns throughout

while the hydraulic system and
engines had complete overhauls.
As well as maintaining the
bomber’s historic integrity,
measures were taken to enhance
safety and comfort too. Those who
fly warbirds understand the value
of improving comfort in types
for which it was not originally a
priority – and the interior is now
lined with an insulating material
to reduce ambient noise while, in
the cockpit, space has been made
to accommodate modern avionics,
including a moving map which
decreases pilot workload while
increasing safety.

With the interior work improving
conditions for those who fly
the aircraft today, the exterior is
dedicated to remembering those
who operated the bombers in World
War Two’s European Theatre.
Painted in overall olive drab with
neutral grey underside, the nose-
art is based on an Alberto Varga
painting which ran in Esquire
magazine, and the markings
represent a Mitchell from the 447th
Bomb Squadron, 321st Bomb
Group, Twelfth Air Force.
Activated in mid-1942 as a
medium bomber squadron
flying B-25s, the 447th initially
trained in the southeastern US

before deploying to Algeria in the
MTO (Mediterranean Theatre of
Operations) in early 1943. The unit
took part in the Sicily invasion plus
the landings on the Italian mainland
and the advance on Rome. It later
participated in the invasion of
southern France in August 1944 and
continued to be active in the region
until VE Day.
Once out of Aero Trader’s
restoration facility, test flights were
conducted by Tony Ritzman and
Kevin Eldridge. Alongside Evan,
Kevin flew the Mitchell back to
Granite Falls for a brief visit to her
new home before continuing to
Oshkosh in Wisconsin for its official
debut at 2014’s EAA AirVenture.
During the event, Evan had
the honour of being interviewed
with Dick Cole, who was Jimmy
Doolittle’s co-pilot for the famous
B-25 raid on Tokyo in April 1942.
The aircraft has been flown
regularly and this summer will
be the star attraction at the Fagen
Fighters WWII Museum Airshow
on June 20. Unlike many events, this
is specifically a warbird show with
only historic, war-vintage machines
included. Rounding things off on
the ground will be a large contingent
of re-enactors and classic vehicles,
including a special surprise described
as being “unseen anywhere but the
beaches of Normandy until now”.

Inside the Mitchell’s

An atmospheric view of
‘Paper Doll’. ALL RICHARD

“The unit took part in the Sicily invasion plus the landings on the
Italian mainland and the advance on Rome. It later participated in
the invasion of southern France in August 1944 and continued to be
active in the region until VE Day”

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