
(John Hannent) #1
order no matter how funny the
story might be. Do not discuss
last night’s episode of Air Crash
Investigation. For example, if you’re
doing the trip in a V-tail Bonanza,
most certainly do not point out
that this is the type of aeroplane
that Buddy Holly was killed in!
And you can just about guarantee
they will ask the question “what if
the engine stops?” There is only one
answer regardless of the situation:
you will glide to a safe landing in a
paddock somewhere.

  1. Take into
    account their state
    If the person is having a tough time
    at work, relationship issues or other
    worries generating anxiety, postpone
    the trip until they have dealt with all
    that. Anxiety tends to breed more
    anxiety, so they are unlikely to enjoy
    the flight because they can’t see the
    flower for all the bees. Even though
    they may take an attitude of “let’s
    get it over and done with”, the pilot
    may have to make the call to not go.

72 First Flight

AUSTRALIAN FLYING March – April 2015

“Wonder turns to woe and
they are lost to flying forever.”

ABOVE: A swing around The Nut at Stanley, Tas, is a great idea
for a first flight, but perhaps pick a better day than this one.
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