
(Barry) #1

76 African Pilot April 2015

Mr. Simphiwe Mncube - Director - Sport Support Services, Ms. Kgabo
Matjane - Director – DG’s offi ce and Ms. Siphokazi Matholengwe – Snr. Sport
and Recreation coordinator - mass participation, never expected to be given
their fi rst taste of ‘real’ fl ight when they arrived at Brits airfi eld on Saturday
21 February. They were treated to a fl ight in both a SF-25 Motorfalke touring
motor glider and a Schleicher K7 glider.

The Kranskop Glider Project was launched to assist passionate individuals
who cannot afford to learn to fl y. So far three students have been successful,
one of whom has recently achieved his PPL and is well on his way to his
CPL. Daniel Ralefeta chairman of the Aero Club of South Africa’s (AeCSA)
Transformation and Development section went out of his way to treat the

visitors to a great day of aviation and bushveld hospitality. The day began
with a great breakfast followed by a short address by Mr. Mncube and then
Kevin Storie (General Manager of the AeCSA) spoke and thanked the
Department of Sport and Recreation for its ongoing support.

After an intensive safety briefi ng by Daniel and a quick explanation of how a
glider works by Gary Whitecross who is a Grade A TMG and Glider Instructor,
a National Test Pilot, a Grade B Light Sport Aircraft instructor and the winner
of numerous regional gliding championships. Gary is also a recipient of
Protea colours for world glider championships held in Finland in 2014 and
the owner of Air Play Aviation. Gary is also the fi rst commercial gliding ATO
in South Africa and currently the only ATO licensed to teach LSA, TMG and
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