
(Barry) #1
April 2015 African Pilot 79

The long term weather forecast did not predict ideal fl ying conditions and as the week
progressed it became clear that the weekend’s weather would be at best marginal. None the
less, 20 aircraft did arrive for a weekend of typical Eastern Free Sate hospitality. However,
despite being planned as a Sling, Kitplanes for Africa and Helicopter fl y-in, all aircraft were
welcome. No helicopters made trip although three Gyros, a JK-05, an Aerobat, a Super Cub
and a Kitplanes’ Safari did attend. Thirteen Slings including the stunning taildragger fl ew in from
various Gauteng airfi elds.

Camping was arranged within walking distance of the fi eld for those who opted to stay overnight
and most made use of this as well as the transport that was supplied to ferry them to and
fro. Four Kias were available at R300 each for those folk who wished to rather explore the
magnifi cent Eastern Free State by car. The Friday night braai was cancelled because of the
inclement weather, but the free coffee, tea and rusks were most welcome for those who had just
arrived. The club’s freshly renovated clubhouse was a hive of activity with visitors and locals
alike and the bar remained open. The morning’s weather was fl yable with 7/10 cloud cover and
a number of aircraft took off to explore the Maluti Mountains and environs.

By lunch, a light drizzle forced everyone indoors for pancakes offered with a choice of seven
delicious fl avours and some serious hangar talk ensued. Aviators know how to enjoy themselves
and old friends got together whilst new friends were made. Stories were told, tips were shared,
advice was freely available and when the weather briefl y cleared, club members organised
some quick fl ips around the patch. Bethlehem Aero Club really knows how to entertain and
treat visitors! When the weather turned nasty hangar space was found for all, but a few aircraft.
Fortunately the hail stayed away and the delicious aroma of two lambs on the spit was soon
fi lling the air. The evening’s activities commenced and everybody tucked into the delicious fare
prepared by the club’s ladies. Dr. Mark Jackson who fl ew in with his Sling had found space for
his guitar and he and Dr. Frank Person were soon singing ballads from the 60s and 70s.

A breakfast fl ight to Zuiderkop near Clocolan was arranged for Sunday, but nasty weather for
midday was forecast for up north and being safety fi rst aviators, everyone decided to depart. All
agreed that the hospitality was out of this world and most folk would certainly attend the other
events planned for later in the year. The Bethlehem Aero Club once again went out of its way to
make the weekend as memorable and as pleasant as possible and plans to offer visitors even
more activities in the future.

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