
(Nora) #1


Automating NDT z

of multiple NDT techniques, along with
the use of advanced signal processing, is
expected to increase the defect detection
rate and size precision by more than
20% while reducing the inspection
time from minutes or hours – or days
in the case of maintenance, which
would otherwise involve dismantling
the engine to gain access – to seconds.

Research is not confined to Clean Sky.
TWI in the UK is a participant in the
WELDMINDT project, and the TWI
Technology Centre in Wales recently
completed the first phase of its
IntACom NDT automation project
with the production of a prototype
robotic NDT system.
Backed by Rolls-Royce, GKN,
Bombardier and the Welsh government,
the three-year project aimed to achieve
a fourfold increase in the speed of
inspection and analysis of geometrically
complex composite components. And
it has succeeded to the extent that the
industrial partners have opted to back
further phases of the project without
waiting for a further round of Welsh
government funding.
High raw material costs and labor-
intensive processes make composite
parts expensive to produce, and the

requirement to inspect every part
means that NDT can be a bottleneck.
Exploiting the properties of composites
to produce more complex parts
exacerbates the problem and demands
both faster and more advanced
inspection techniques. The alternative
is manual inspections that can add
variability and cost.
According to project manager Ian
Cooper, the research addressed three
areas. As well as automating the
inspection itself and applying
advanced PAUT, it uses advanced
software techniques such as assisted
defect recognition and scan display
management. Automation means areas
previously scanned by hand, with
results transcribed on to the part and
report drawings, are now scanned
automatically using scanning paths
generated from imported CAD data.
The heart of the automated
inspection system is an inspection cell
comprising two six-axis robot arms,
capable of working independently and
cooperatively. The robotic arms deploy
end-effectors carrying ultrasonic array
transducers that can scan wide areas
of the part in a single pass. CAD data
imported into the system is used to
generate scan paths using commercial
or in-house-developed off-line

programming software. Mousing over
the displayed CAD image enables the
user to select surfaces to be inspected
and assign tools to each surface, while
live imaging allows programming of
focal laws and other ultrasonic
parameters. The tools and components
are protected by detachable magnetic
holders. Once the part has been
defined, scanning is achieved by
simply selecting the part from a menu
and pressing the start button.

The replacement of single element
transducers with ultrasonic arrays
enables curved surfaces, radii and
other difficult areas to be scanned at
much higher rates than was previously
possible. Where possible, large PAUT
probes were used to provide maximum
area coverage in a single pass.
Ultrasonic modeling was used to
determine the optimum inspection
techniques for difficult areas of
geometry. For example, curved arrays
were used to inspect internal and
external radii in a single pass.
Complex curvatures are addressed
by detecting the shape of the surface
interface and adapting the focal laws to
suit. This can be pre-programmed or
done ‘on the fly’. Other challenges such


LEFT: The Morfi
robot uses active
thermography to
examine the
chemically milled
pockets in 737
Classic fuselage
skin plates

ABOVE: Lufthansa
Technik has
developed a
prototype robot
to inspect Boeing
737 Classic
fuselage panels
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