
(Nora) #1

z Products & services

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APRIL 2015

The abundance of literature relating to
procedure models certainly does not call
for yet another V-model. Nevertheless it is
apparent that the vast number of projects still
do not reach their goals as planned.
Over the past few years, the company
TechSAT has been increasingly involved in
development projects for its customers. It
has had to evolve from a mere supplier of
test systems to a partner for the entire
development cycle. Consequently the
company has devised a wide range of
solutions for customers that help accelerate
and secure the development process. People
working in system development learn early
on in their career that errors found late in
the development process can be expensive
and even disastrous.
This means that clients need help to
identify potential problems as early as
possible. Although proven methods for this
purpose have been around for a long time,
such as requirements for engineering and
system modeling, most customers are not
satisfied with the results achieved so far.
Coming from a background in systems
testing, it was only logical for TechSAT to look
for ways to implement verification measures
right from the beginning of the project’s
requirement and design phases. Because

the symbol for initial velocity is V 0 it was
applied – as a play on words – to V-models.

From recent discussions with the company’s
clients, it became clear that many are
searching for a partner to take them through
their development projects. At the same time,
they shy away from the effort it would take to
find the right support for each of the phases.
For this reason, TechSAT has built up a
network of specialists and tool providers,
enabling the company to massively scale its
portfolio of test system solutions, customized
tools and consulting expertise, and adapt it to
the needs of its customers. For each project,
the company jointly developed the optimum
solution for services, tools and test systems.
TechSAT is known for its test systems, I/O
boards, and tools for the aerospace industry.
Two major trends are on the horizon. As a
manufacturer of test systems and tools, the
company is having to develop the technology
requirements for test environments itself or in
cooperation with customer representatives.
The times when customers composed their
own test systems from a technology platform
are definitely over.
The second major trend is the need to
supply customers with integrated solutions

suitable for the start of a development project.
To this end, the company has scaled down its
ADS2 platform for use on small systems and
can now offer it as a dynamic test platform
supplementing the development host, turning
it into an integrated model development and
verification system.
The next stage of test systems is the Single
Device Integration Bench (MAYA-SDIB). It is
software-to-software and hardware-to-
software integration at the equipment level.
The MAYA concept is complemented by
software and hardware simulators as well
as equipment prototyping.
Excellent development tools are available
on the market that combine engineering and
design in an integrated system. These tools
provide host-based simulations and analysis
capabilities, but are usually limited to a single
application. In dynamic testing or application
intercommunication testing, however, they
often reach their limits.
When moving from the host to the target
platform, at the very least, discontinuities
will appear in the testing environment. The
user must therefore be provided with the
testing solutions that integrate seamlessly
with the engineering and design tools and
simultaneously also be supported with
automated test systems.

boosting v 0

Boosting the velocity of development in the early project

phases with suitable test methods saves time and money

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