Astronomy - February 2014

(John Hannent) #1
M star

K star

G star

Mass of star (solar mass)

Average radius of orbit (astronomical unit)

Mercury Venus Earth Mars

HD 40307 g


Gliese 163 c


HD 85512 b
Kepler-62e Kepler-62f

Gliese 667C c
Gliese 581 d

Gliese 667C f Gliese 667C e







0.1 0.4 1.

Scientists still have a lot
of Kepler data to comb
through; it holds another
roughly three dozen possible
habitable-zone planets.




TESTING, TESTING. NASA launched a sounding rocket October 21 to use when calibrating an ultraviolet instrument
aboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory. Its 173-mile-high (278 kilometers) flight took 15 minutes.

New shape to the coldest place in space

Using the Atacama Large
Array (ALMA), astrono-
mers have revealed the
true shape of the coldest
known object in the
universe, the Boomerang
Nebula. This preplanetary
nebula, which represents
the stage before the
remnant star produces
enough ultraviolet
radiation to produce
a planetary nebula’s
characteristic glow, got
its name because it looks
like a double lobe with
a narrow waist in visible
light. ALMA, however, dis-
covered that the Boomer-
ang’s cold molecular gas
actually creates a more
elongated shape, shown
in red atop blue Hubble
Space Telescope data
in this image released
October 24. At –458°
Fahrenheit (–272° Cel-
sius), the nebula is colder
than the faint afterglow of
the Big Bang, the natural
background temperature

Planck mission over

On October 23, the Planck mission team sent the
final command to the telescope, marking the
end of operations. The spacecraft launched May
14, 2009, and observed the microwave sky for
nearly 4.5 years.
Planck had two detectors: the High Frequency
Instrument (HFI) studied shorter wavelengths
(higher energies and higher temperatures), and
the Low Frequency Instrument (LFI) observed lon-
ger wavelengths (which correspond to lower
energies and cooler temperatures). While the HFI
took its last data in January 2012, the LFI contin-
ued observing until October 3, 2013.
Scientists have used this data to uncover
thousands of cold objects — like clouds of gas
and dust that will form stars. But the project’s
main goal was to measure the tiny differences in
temperature across the sky — in what’s called
the cosmic microwave background (CMB). In
March 2013, the Planck team released its first
cosmology results, which incorporated 15.
months of observations. Part of that release
included a detailed map of the CMB’s tempera-
ture fluctuations, thus achieving the project’s
goal. According to the craft’s CMB measure-
ments, the universe is 13.8 billion years old and
contains 4.9 percent normal matter, 26.8 percent
dark matter (an invisible mass), and 68.3 percent
dark energy (the mysterious something that’s
speeding up the universe’s expansion).
Astronomers also teased out of the Planck
data the universe’s overall mass distribution.
While this map doesn’t show individual structures,
it does provide scientists with a general view of
how matter clusters together in the cosmos. The
distribution matches that expected for a universe
composed of about two-thirds dark energy.
The Planck team plans to release another set
of results later this year, which will incorporate
all observations collected. — L. K.

The chance that a supernova explosion will
occur in our galaxy in the next 50 years and
will be visible in infrared light, according to a
study published in the December 1 issue of
The Astrophysical Journal.


EARTH TWINS? A star’s habitable zone (HZ) is the orbital region with the right temperature to allow liquid water on
a planet’s surface. Both Earth and, perhaps surprisingly, Mars sit within the Sun’s HZ. This diagram shows the poten-
tially habitable worlds so far discovered. The HZ edges are based on research from Ravi Kumar Kopparapu of Pennsyl-
vania State University and colleagues published in 2013 in The Astrophysical Journal. They ignored the effects of water
clouds in their model, which would push the inner boundaries nearer to their stars. ASTRONOMY: LIZ KRUESI AND ROEN KELLY


MISSION OVER. The European Space Agency’s Planck
mission officially ended October 23. ESA

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