Astronomy - February 2014

(John Hannent) #1
101 102 103 104 105

Intensity (relative)

Wavelength (nanometers)

15,000 kelvin star
Sun (5800 K)
3000 K

Visible light



ble^ zo

0.5 AU

0.2 AU

0.1 AU

0.14 AU

1 AU

0.3 AU

Inner edge of
habitable zone
0.8 AU

Outer edge of
habitable zone
2 AU

Earth’s orbit
Earth 1 AU



warm enough to have liquid water sloshing
over their surfaces. Such planets will race
around their suns in orbits even smaller
than Mercury’s. But huddling so close
comes at a price. These worlds will quickly
become “tidally locked,” like the Moon is
tidally locked to Earth. Their rotational and
orbital periods will be identical, and one
hemisphere will endlessly roast in the star’s
warmth, while the other will shiver in an
eternal stygian night.
This sounds like a recipe for climatic
Armageddon, as any atmosphere will soon
freeze out on the dark side and pile up in
snowy drifts. If you’re a land-dwelling life-
form, the lack of air will ruin your whole
day, every day.
A second problem dogging the dwarfs is
yet another consequence of their half-
hearted shine. Their surface temperatures
range from 5700° Fahrenheit (3150° Cel-
sius) to 5900° F (3260° C). By comparison,
the Sun’s photosphere is far hotter, close to
10,000° F (5540° C). Because of their lower
surface temperatures, dwarfs radiate less
energy, and their light is skewed toward the
red end of the spectrum. These guys pump
only low-octane fuel and produce few high-
potency blue photons. Consequently, some
researchers argue that dwarfs’ light doesn’t
have the oomph to power photosynthesis.
A further concern is the small size of
the habitable zone (often called the Goldi-
locks zone) that surrounds red dwarfs.
This is the temperate “doughnut” of space

around a star where a planet might have a
temperature suitable for maintaining liq-
uid water. Simple high-school geometry
tells you that the small doughnuts around
dim stars have less volume than the larger
ones around their brighter cousins. This
suggests that planets around dwarfs are
less likely to be located in that happy
region where they might qualify to host

A final black mark against the dwarfs is
that the space weather in their neighbor-
hoods could be nasty. The stellar surfaces
occasionally erupt in giant f lares, and the
radiation they spew into space could deal a
knock-out blow to life gaining a foothold
on a closely orbiting world.
This short list of demerits has tradition-
ally kept red dwarfs from being first-round
draft picks for SETI research. But new
insights and data suggest that these worka-
day stars may have been the victims of a
bum rap.

Belt of life
Perhaps the most stinging criticism from
the SETI camp has been the tidal locking
problem. A yin-and-yang world of blister-
ing heat and unremitting cold hardly
sounds like a good bet for biology. Even
microbial extremophiles would have dif-
ficulty in such outrageous climes.
But the notion of a planet that’s half
parched rock and half frozen ocean — with
no atmosphere anywhere — is not only
grim, it’s unduly simplistic. Any atmo-
sphere that’s at least moderately dense
could save itself from turning to ice. In par-
ticular, the large temperature difference
between the two hemispheres would imme-
diately produce winds, high-altitude air
streams that would bring heat from the hot
side to the cold. This would prevent the
atmosphere from condensing out and pil-
ing up in worthless, frozen heaps.
Astronomers Martin Heath of the Bio-
sphere Project in London; Laurance Doyle
of the SETI Institute in Mountain View,
California; and Manoj Joshi and Robert
Haberle of the NASA Ames Research Cen-
ter in Moffet Field, California, worked out
these details more than a dozen years ago.
They made computer models of tidally

A star’s color depends solely on its tempera-
ture. A star is a “black body” — an opaque
object at a constant temperature. A black
body emits radiation across a range of ener-
gies, but its peak — which corresponds to
the color it appears — is bluer the hotter the
object is. Red dwarfs appear red because they
are relatively cool. ASTRONOMY: ROEN KELLY

The Research Consortium on Nearby Stars
(RECONS) searched the volume of space within
10 parsecs (32.6 light-years) of Earth to take
a complete census. Since 2000, when RECONS
began its study, the number of known nearby
red dwarf (M-type) stars has increased by 25
percent. If these most abundant neighbors are
able to host life, many astrobiological possibili-

A star’s habitable zone is the volume of space where liquid water can exist. Although astronomers are still de-
bating the habitable zone boundaries and discovering factors that affect them, it is safe to say that the larger
a star is, the larger its habitable zone will be. Here, the habitable zone of a G-type star, a Sun-like type, is
compared to those of a smaller K-type star and a tiny red dwarf, or M-type, star. The red dwarf ’s zone extends
from 0.14 to 0.1 astronomical unit (AU). An AU is the distance from Earth to the Sun. ASTRONOMY: ROEN KELLY

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