Astronomy - February 2014

(John Hannent) #1

Physicists believe that the
simplest explanation of a
scientific question is often the
best, so we conclude that
throughout the universe, when
matter collides with antimatter,
the interaction produces the
same energy we see on Earth. If
the laws of physics are constant
over time, we assert that when
the cosmos was full of matter
and antimatter, starting around
one-trillionth of a second after
the Big Bang, collisions between
them produced the same energy
we see and feel every day.
As the universe expanded
and cooled, the collisions’
energy went right back to where
it came from: matter, antimatter,
and energy. For some reason,
however, there was one slight
asymmetry; the process created
more matter than antimatter,
which is why we see only matter
today. The early universe’s anti-
matter and matter simply con-
verted into our matter. Thank
goodness, too — an astronaut
would not want to meet up with
antimatter debris.
Howard Matis
Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory, California

Q: Do the gas giant
planets have Discern-
ible surfaces? if so,
woulD they support
Al Kuyper
Clive, Iowa

A: Gas giants like Jupiter and
Saturn do not have solid sur-
faces in the sense that if you
dropped in a penny, it would
never land with a “clink.” These
bodies are mostly composed of
hydrogen at temperatures above
the “critical point” for hydro-
gen, meaning there is no sharp
boundary between solid, liquid,
and gas regions.
But gas giants do have lay-
ers. For example, if you could
somehow endure the high

temperatures, pressures, and
radiation levels and survive a
dive into Jupiter, you would first
swim through a stormy atmo-
sphere of hydrogen. You would
pass through layers of ammonia
clouds, sulfide clouds, and then
water clouds. You would proba-
bly even begin to float when the
density of the gas around you
matched that of your body.
But if you could weigh
yourself down, you could keep
sinking and enter a thick layer
of metallic hydrogen, where
electrons and protons move
separately from one another.
The temperature would get hot-
ter and hotter as you kept diving
— up to about 20,000 kelvins
(35,000° Fahrenheit).
Finally, in Jupiter’s core, the
metallic hydrogen would give
way to heavier elements like
silicon and iron. Here, your
body, crushed to ½5 its size and
stripped of most of its electrons,
would probably rest forever.
Marc Kuchner
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center,
Greenbelt, Maryland

Q: why is one of the
three filters in the
hubble palette ionizeD
sulfur? is sulfur really
that prevalent in the
Dennis Demcheck
Baton Rouge, Louisiana

A: Sulfur is not terribly abun-
dant in the universe. It shows
up, however, near high-energy
regions and objects such as
supernova shock fronts and hot
massive stars.
We typically see this element
near areas where high-speed
gases are colliding. The gaseous
remains of exploded stars —
called supernova remnants —
tend to have relatively strong
sulfur emission. We also see it
in the gas ejected from dying
Sun-like stars and their rem-
nants, planetary nebulae. Hot
young stars emit ultraviolet
light, which kicks electrons off
nearby atoms, thus ionizing
them. Sulfur is one of the ion-
ized gases we see near these
young suns. Sulfur is useful to

astronomers as a diagnostic tool
that shows us where shocked
gases and high amounts of
ultraviolet radiation are.
Thus, to capture images of
such regions, the Hubble Space
Telescope’s Wide Field Plan-
etary Camera 2 (1993–2009)
included a narrowband sulfur
filter. This filter let only a small
range of light around a wave-
length of 672 nanometers pass
through to the camera.
Howard E. Bond
Pennsylvania State University,
University Park

send us your
Send your astronomy
questions via email to
[email protected],
or write to Ask Astro,
P. O. Box 1612, Waukesha,
WI 53187. Be sure to tell us
your full name and where
you live. Unfortunately, we
cannot answer all questions

The Soul Nebula (Sharpless 2–199) contains open clusters with young stars. The hot forming suns emit ultraviolet
energy, ionizing nearby sulfur atoms. The photographer processed this image so that the sulfur gas glows red, while
hydrogen shows up as green and oxygen as blue. BOB FRANKE
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