All About Space Astronomer Book - 2014 UK

(Frankie) #1

Star Atlas

[1] This first light image of the
TRAPPIST national telescope at La
Silla shows the Tarantula Nebula,
located in the Large Magellanic Cloud
(LMC) — one of the galaxies closest
to us. Also known as 30 Doradus or
NGC 2070, the nebula owes its name
to the arrangement of bright patches
that somewhat resembles the legs of
a tarantula. The image was made from
data obtained through three filters (B,
V and R) and the field of view is about
20 arcminutes across. TRAPPIST/E.

[2] Seen from the southern skies, the
Large and Small Magellanic Clouds (the
LMC and SMC, respectively) are bright
patches in the sky. These two irregular
dwarf galaxies, together with our Milky
Way Galaxy, belong to the so-called
Local Group of galaxies. ESO.

[3] The Helix Nebula (NGC7293), a
planetary nebula, imaged with the ESO
3.6-metre telescope on La Silla.2. ESO.


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