All About Space Astronomer Book - 2014 UK

(Frankie) #1
via a Deimos base, with a short hop down to the surface of Mars. Only time
will tell.

Imaging Mars
Mars is a fascinating world to image. The most obvious features are the
contrasting light sandy regions representing the deserts of Mars and the

unprotected, bombarded by all kinds of radiation. No one could stand up
to that, as far as we know. No doubt there is a cure for this and some kind
of radiation screen will be devised. So far we have no idea how that can be
done. Until we solve the radiation problem, we believe Mars is currently out
of our reach. Mars has two moons, Phobos and Deimos, discovered by the
US astronomer Asaph Hall in 1887. Both are very small, Phobos less than
20 miles in diameter and Deimos less than 10. Almost certainly they are
captured asteroids from the main belt moving round the Sun beyond the
path of Mars.The Martian day is just over half an hour longer than ours, but
the Martian year is equal to 687 Earth days, equating to 686 Mars days, or
sols. The seasons are the same basic type as ours though much longer.
We have one idea at this point. Phobos and Deimos make magnificent
natural space stations. So small they have almost no gravitational pull, so
landing and takeoff would be easy. The first journey to Mars might well be

[6] Mars Rover Spirit on the
surface of the Red Planet,
looking towards Husband Hill

[7], [8] & [9] Images of Mars captured
using the imaging technique described
here. A 14-inch SCT telescope was used



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Astronomer Book

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