The Times - UK (2022-05-27)

(Antfer) #1

family business turned the job around in
six weeks for £1,800: they made, painted
and installed the door, then affixed the
hardware for us (
For the door furniture, the hip Gipsy
Hill Hardware company, with its Insta-
friendly scrolled fan letterboxes and
clinging tree-frog knockers, is local to us
— we chose its scallop drop knocker in
unlacquered brass (£159). That felt
showy enough, so we decided on a plain
letter flap and interior plate from the
Suffolk Latch Company (£75).
To keep the door as uncluttered as
possible (ours is a narrow terraced house
with an entranceway to match) we had

the house number painted on to the
frosted panel above. The Write Good Co
usually stencils shop windows, but
Francesca showed us a few designs, then
painted our favourite in black with gold
leaf in an afternoon.
Finally, we swapped a defunct side-
light for a minimal and modern
overhead pendant light — one that
didn’t feel too period drama-esque (£70, As fashion editor
at The Times, I had to have Christopher
Kane’s catwalk-inspired “More Joy”
doormat for a finishing touch (£60,
Forget dentistry, our new front door
has given the entire house a facelift.

incorporate some mindful cultivating of
greenery and, crucially, gave us
something different to look at.
“Updating your front door is a quick
and easy way to increase kerb appeal
and put a smile on your face when you
come home,” agrees the garden designer
Melanie Hick. “Easy wins include jet-
washing dirty paths and brickwork, then
replacing unsuitable plants. Any old door
can have an instant update with exterior
wood paint from Mylands.”
Alas, the door we inherited from the
previous owners was old and flimsy, with
dodgy locks and weak glass, so the whole
thing needed replacing. It was also
pillarbox red. “Red can be quite
confrontational, which isn’t right for
welcoming visitors,” says the designer
Chloe Cubitt of Honey & Toast Interiors.
She recommended Little Greene’s
Hopper 297, a rich green. Colour
psychologists have found that the colour
can have a calming effect — it also
wouldn’t clash with next door’s purple.
To the door itself, and the London
Door Company (LDC) and Elwyns have
something of a hegemony where we live.
Both quoted in the region of £5,000 for
bespoke timber or £2,300 for a
composite (timber core with a uPVC
surround), citing a 20-week lead time
because of the supply chain crisis.
We paid one door company £3,000
only a few years ago for a timber door at
our previous property, it arrived with
scratched hardware, no apology or
replacements, and needed repainting
within 18 months, so I was hesitant to
use them again. This time, we found a
well-recommended local joiner, whose

with a scalloped knocker in brass

& Mortar

Friday May 27 2022 9
the times

& Mortar



Need to know

6 If you can afford it, always choose
real timber over PVC or composite.
Every professional I spoke to was
adamant about this.
6 If you don’t mind sourcing your own
paint and door furniture, and have a
clear idea of design in mind, shop
around local joiners for a better and
quicker deal than the bigger
companies who will sell you a package
at an inflated price.
6 “Too many grid lines exaggerate
narrowness on a door,” says Chloe
Cubitt from Honey & Toast. “A
horizontal panel at the bottom has the
visual effect of stretching it widthways.
To make a door feel bigger and
grander, paint the frame, threshold
tread and around the glass panel in
the same colour as the door itself.”
6 “A high-low mix of off-the-shelf,
reclaimed and bespoke is a clever way
to add character,” says Melanie Hick, a
garden designer. “Lassco is a great
resource for period brass and they
offer reproduction pieces too. Mylands
muted pink Bloomsbury shade teams
perfectly with brass door furniture.”
6 Train climbing plants on discreet
wires to hide media boxes and cabling.
Star jasmine grows in all conditions, or
Rosa ‘Malvern Hills’ is a buttery yellow
that matches London brickwork.
6 “Considered steps and paving at the
front of your house can drastically
reduce frustration levels when moving
bins, bikes and baby buggies,” Hick
says. “A bespoke sawn sandstone step
is slip-resistant and easily installed by
a knowledgeable landscaper.”
6 “Think about the immediate area
around your door by weeding steps
and refreshing tired paint,” Cubitt says.
6 “Light equals security,” says Hick.
“A black-framed lantern is a strong,
classic look and can be found at the
top and budget end of suppliers.”


X Char-Broil
Pro S 4B;

U Big Green Egg Large
with ConvEGGtor;

Compiled by
Victoria Brzezinski

X Fornetto
Charcoal Grill,

X Korpon

For more
go to

I love the sense

of fun a colourful

door gives to a street

— it shows personality

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