
(Sean Pound) #1
billion light-years

Boötes Supercluster
936 million light-years


and composition. Yet with an average sur-
face temperature of 864° F (462° C) day and
night, Venus stays hotter than Mercury gets
on its worst day despite its greater distance
of 0.72 AU. The reason is the planet’s dense
atmosphere, which is composed almost
entirely of heat-trapping carbon dioxide
gas. Compounding the lack of hospitality,
the surface pressure of the atmosphere is
about 92 times sea-level pressure on Earth,
the same we would experience at a depth of
3,000 feet (1,000 meters) under the ocean.
Unsurprisingly, no spacecraft
landing on our inner
neighbor has continued
to transmit for much
more than two hours.
Radar mapping of
Venus from Earth
and from orbiting

spacecraft shows a world of fascinating
geography. It is the only other planet in
the solar system known to host active vol-
canoes. In 2015, scientists studying ther-
mal imaging by the European Space
Agency’s (ESA) Venus Express orbiter
reported 1,530° F (830° C) hot spots along
the planet’s Ganiki Chasma rift zone, a
type of feature associated with terrestrial
volcanism. Researchers have observed epi-
sodes where the temperatures of these
spots abruptly increase and then cool
down, suggesting ongoing eruptions.

Goldilocks zone
Next out is Earth, home sweet home and the
only planet in the solar system where liquid
water freely exists on the surface. As far as
we know, the presence of water is a necessity
for life. Astronomers extend this concept to

define a star’s “habitable zone” — a range
of orbital distances where liquid water
potentially could exist — as a way to iden-
tify exoplanets that may be capable of sup-
porting life as we understand it. While we
can quibble with the definition — perhaps
there’s a biology that uses solvents other
than water or maybe life can develop entire-
ly beneath the surface — it’s a place to start.
For the solar system, conservative values
place the habitable zone between 0.99 and
1.69 AU. More optimistic values extend it in
both directions, from 0.75 to 1.84 AU. Either
way, the zone excludes desiccated Venus but
includes Mars, thought to be warmer and
wetter in the distant past.
Located about 1.5 AU out, Mars long has
been viewed as the best bet for finding life in
the solar system. But with half Earth’s size
and only 38 percent of its surface gravity, the
Red Planet was crippled in its ability to hold
onto the thick atmosphere needed to main-
tain surface water. In its first billion years,
the upper layers of the atmosphere slowly
bled into space, and occasional asteroid
impacts drove away great masses of martian

After Copernicus placed the
Sun at its center, astronomers
had a solid sense of the rela-
tive dimensions of the solar
system. They knew, for exam-
ple, that Venus orbited 30
percent closer to the Sun
than Earth. But they had no
way of putting everyday
measurements to these dis-
tances. In effect, the astro-
nomical unit (AU; average
Earth-Sun distance) was a
yardstick with no markings.
In 1663, the Scottish math-
ematician James Gregory
described a way to use transits
— the apparent passage of
Mercury or Venus across the
Sun’s face — to determine the
AU’s value. But efforts to use
Mercury transits and other
techniques, such as observing

Mars at opposition, produced
inconsistent results.
Edmond Halley, famous
today as the first to predict
the return of a comet,
showed in 1716 that Mercury
was too far from Earth for
transit measurements to be
effective, but Venus was
ideal. He proposed a plan for
observations of the 1761
Venus transit and suggested
that astronomers be dis-
patched across the globe to
observe and time the event.
He believed the technique
could establish the length of
the astronomical yardstick to
an accuracy of 0.2 percent.
It proved far more difficult
in practice. To reach even 4
percent of the current value,
astronomers had to combine

the results of Venus transits in
1761 and 1769 — though this
was still a huge improvement
in accuracy. By the time the
next transit rolled around, in
1874, astronomers had begun
exploring more promising
techniques, such as photo-
graphic observations of Mars.
We now can measure the
distances to Venus, Mars,
asteroids, and many other
solar system objects by ping-
ing them with radar. By send-
ing a pulse of energy from a
radio telescope and knowing
the speed of light, the time
taken for the signal to return
provides the distance. Today
astronomers define the AU
as equal to 92,955,807.273
miles (149,597,870.700 kilo-
meters). — F. R.

The Soviet probe Venera 13 holds the record at 2 hours, 7 minutes for the longest spacecraft to survive on the surface of Venus. It sent back pictures of its
basalt-like surroundings, with the spacecraft itself partially visible at the bottom of the image. NASA HISTORY OFFICE

Mercury holds highly reflective material in its
permanently shadowed craters that could be
water ice, as revealed here by NASA’s MESSENGER
spacecraft and Earth-based radar mapping.




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