
(Axel Boer) #1
32 September 2014 sky & telescope

Astronomical Experiment

Using MaxIm DL’s Graph Function, the average
diameter of Venus’s disk in Rod’s images was 55.33 pixels.
Because Rod measured Venus’s diameter as 58 arcsec-
onds, the image scale was 1.05 arcseconds/pixel. We also
used the Graph Function to measure the width of the
bright parallax crescents in each fl attened “Diff erence”
image. The dual crescents permitted two measurements
of the parallax per image, which would help average out
motion and seeing artifacts. The crescents produced tall

The authors aligned and superimposed their photos on the previ-
ous two pages to create this image. By stacking and processing
the images in Photoshop, all similar portions of the image were
blacked out. Venus’s parallax appears as two bright crescents
pointing in opposite directions, indicating only the portions of
Venus’s disk that did not coincide in the two pictures.

Pommier used MaxIm DL to calculate the diameter of Venus’s disk in pixels. The graph on the left shows the pixel brightness along
the white bar over Venus. One end is on the edge of Venus’s disk and the brightness value in the red channel at that point was read on
the y-axis. Pommier measured Venus’s diameter by determining at which pixel on the x-axis the brightness returned to the same value.
Because he measured Venus’s disk to be 58 arcseconds across, he could determine that the average image scale in his photographs
was 1.05 arcseconds per pixel.

twin peaks in the red channel on the graphs. We drew
lines along each side of the peaks and projected down to
the x-axis to read the width of each peak in pixels. The
average of the 14 readings was 21.78 pixels. Multiplying
that by the image scale yielded an average parallax of
22.83 arcseconds.
But this measured result is not just the parallax of
Venus; it’s the combined parallaxes of Venus and the Sun.
Even the Sun has a parallax for observers separated by
2,213 miles. Thus, when Rod aligned the Sun in Richard’s
images to the Sun in his pictures, he added the Sun’s
parallax to Venus’s parallax. We would have to know the
distance to the Sun, the very value we seek, to calculate
its expected parallax and subtract it from the total mea-
sured parallax to get Venus’s individual parallax, which is
what we needed to calculate the distance to the Sun. This
paradoxical problem seemed circular and insoluble. Fortu-
nately, an elegant mathematical solution exists that doesn’t
require any a priori knowledge of the Sun’s distance.
The total measured parallax can be used to calculate
an approximate distance to Venus. That permits calculat-
ing an approximate distance to the Sun using Kepler’s
third law. That can then be used to calculate a rough
estimate of the Sun’s parallax. That estimate can be sub-
tracted from the original total parallax, yielding a better
estimate of Venus’s parallax. The revised Venus parallax
can be used to repeat the calculation, yielding a better
result. Multiple iterations of this process will converge


Transit_Experiment.indd 32 6/23/14 12:17 PM

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