July 2014 39
of objects that are either of similar type: globular clusters,
open clusters, or planetary nebulae, for example, or that
have some historical association, such as the Messier,
Galileo, and Herschel programs. There are programs
designed specifi cally for novices, such as the Constellation
Hunter and Universe Sampler programs. Children under
10 can complete the Sky Puppy Program. At the other
extreme are the Flat Galaxies Program and the Galaxy
Groups & Clusters Program, advanced target lists that will
challenge even the most experienced observers.
The requirements vary considerably. The Messier and
Caldwell programs are designed to encourage observers
to learn their way around the sky. As such, they require
that traditional star-hopping methods be used to fi nd the
targets. Most of the programs, however, allow the use
of Push To or Go To device-aided technology to locate
objects. Star-hopping is still generally encouraged —
nearly all the programs acknowledge manual location as a
particularly noteworthy accomplishment. But the empha-
sis is more on observing objects than on fi nding them.
Several of the programs encourage observers to sketch
what they see, but only a few actually require sketches.
You shouldn’t be put off by a sketching requirement,
because no matter how hopeless your artistic talent, your
sketches will be accepted.
Imagers aren’t left out either. Several of the programs
can be completed by imaging the objects rather than
observing them visually. Indeed, a few of the programs were
designed specifi cally with astrophotographers in mind.
Completing the program means observing the required
objects and recording those observations in a rather spe-
cifi c way. Again, the requirements vary, but there are some
The author displays an impressive collection of pins for the Astronomical League
observing programs that he has completed. See the key chart below to identify each
program. Some have been renamed or reorganized since he received the pin.
- Planetary Nebula Program
- Urban Observing Program
- Binocular Messier Program
- Outreach Award
- Arp Peculiar Galaxies Program
- Comet Observers Program
- Lunar Program
- Double Star Program
- Sunspotter Program
- Open Cluster Program
- Carbon Star Program
- Master Outreach Award
universal aspects to the logs. The date and time of the
observation and an estimate of the seeing and transpar-
ency for the session are pretty standard requirements.
Customary, too, are the aperture of the telescope, the
magnifi cations employed, and a description of the object.
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- Planetary Transit Special Award
- Lunar II Observing Program
- Messier Program
- Deep Sky Binocular Program
- Planetary Program
- Herschel II Program
- Herschel 400 Program
- Globular Cluster Program
- Caldwell Observing Program
- Local Galaxy Group & Neighborhood
- Galaxy Groups & Clusters Program
- Flat Galaxies Program