July 2014
44 Sky at a Glance
44 Northern Hemisphere Sky Chart
45 Binocular Highlight: Ceres and Vesta Together
46 Planetary Almanac
47 Northern Hemisphere’s Sky:
The Fabulous Five
48 Sun, Moon & Planets:
Two Close Conjunctions
50 Celestial Calendar
50 Ceres, Meet Vesta!
51 July Meteors
51 Asteroid Occultation
52 The Closing of 44 Boötis
54 Exploring the Solar System:
Illuminating Earthshine
56 Deep-Sky Wonders: Betwixt the Bears
Additional Observing Articles:
34 The Case for Structured Observing
38 Are Observing Programs for You?
60 Going Deep: The Snake and Its Eggs
In This Section
The dark Prancing Horse Nebula, discussed on page 60,
fl oats near the center of the Milky Way’s Ophiuchus Bulge,
across the Great Rift from the Great Sagittarius Star Cloud.
SkyandTelescope.com July 2014 43