70 July 2014 sky & telescope
Quick Optical Evaluation
brighter star, and with larger ones, go fainter. Select a star
high in the sky where the atmospheric seeing is better.
Pick an eyepiece giving an exit pupil of 1 mm or slightly
smaller. A simple way to determine the exit pupil of a
telescope setup is to divide the eyepiece’s focal length in
millimeters by your telescope’s focal ratio. Thus, an eye-
piece with a focal length of 5 mm will yield a 1-mm exit
pupil with an f/5 telescope. For large-aperture telescopes,
seeing may require you to use lower magnifi cations —
longer focal-length eyepieces and larger exit pupils.
Star-testing is easier with a tracking telescope. Other-
wise you have to continuously nudge the telescope along
to keep the star closely centered in the eyepiece fi eld while
watching for moments of good seeing. For those of us in
the northern seats, Polaris is a good target for modest-
aperture telescopes that lack motorized tracking.
If you’re testing a refractor, try adding a green or
yellow fi lter to the eyepiece. Even the best apochromats
may have some color artifacts visible on out-of-focus star
images that veil the diff raction patterns. Refl ective optics
do not require a fi lter, but they can sometimes help you
see what’s going on. Experiment.
For most testing, defocus the star image enough to
see four to eight rings. Move quickly between the view
inside and outside of focus, and carefully compare their
appearances. This is a very sensitive test of optical quality
and you will likely see some diff erences, but minor ones
will not have a noticeable eff ect on the telescope’s perfor-
mance for in-focus observing.
Interpreting What You See
Artifacts in a diff raction image can arise if your telescope
is not at thermal equilibrium. As a telescope with a solid
tube cools, the colder, denser air slides down the lower
side of the tube while warmer, lighter air rises along the
upper side. This variation in air density can alter the out-
of-focus patterns. The eff ects of large temperature diff er-
ences are blatant, appearing as amorphous blobs moving
slowly across the out-of-focus patterns. A nearly cooled
scope will show a dent in one side of the pattern well
inside focus, and a bulge on the opposite side of it when
well outside of focus. Thermal eff ects are oriented verti-
cally. If you change the tube’s orientation, you’ll disturb
them briefl y, but they’ll soon reorient themselves.
If your optics are not quite aligned, the rings in the
out-of-focus pattern will be eccentric and the shadow
of any central obstruction will appear off -center. The
in-focus image will have incomplete diff raction rings
squeezed off to one side. Gary Seronik’s column “No-
Tools Collimation” (S&T: Oct. 2013, p. 64) describes a very
easy way for collimating a refl ector with a star-test.
Bad seeing often blurs the planets and hides fi ne
detail. It can also make star-testing diffi cult. In his highly
recommended book, Star Testing Astronomical Telescopes
(Willmann-Bell, 2008), Harold Richard Suiter explains
that poor seeing makes the outside-focus star image look
as if the dappling of sunlight on the bottom of a pool
is washing across the aperture. Under these conditions
you’ll need to wait for moments when you can separate
the true, unchanging features of the pattern from the
eff ects of seeing. On some nights it may be a hopeless
task, but on most nights patience will prevail.
Inside- and outside-focus patterns that don’t appear
round are signs of astigmatism. A small amount of astig-
matism results in oval rings, and moving the eyepiece
from one side of focus to the other will change their ori-
entation by 90° in the fi eld of view. But astigmatism may
not mean a problem with the telescope’s optics. Turn your
head. If the oval pattern also turns, the astigmatism is in
your eye. You should also rotate your eyepiece to see if it is
a source of astigmatism. In a Newtonian, note the orienta-
tion of the oval pattern and rotate the primary mirror 45°.
If the oval also rotates, then the primary is the problem. In
a Newtonian refl ector, a slightly concave or convex second-
ary mirror may cause images to appear astigmatic.
If the pattern shows rings that are irregular, especially
if they show sharp points, you may have some stress in
the way the telescope optics are mounted. Make sure any
clips holding a mirror in place or retaining rings securing
lens elements are not overly tight.
A common and signifi cant problem with Newtonian
mirrors is what opticians call a turned-down edge, mean-
ing that the very outer part of the mirror is too fl at. In
A quick glance at an out-of-focus
star image is all that’s needed
to tell if a telescope’s optics are
properly aligned (collimated), since
optics that aren’t aligned, such
as those in the 6-inch Newtonian
refl ector used for this image, will
show eccentric diff raction rings.
Astigmatism causes the diff raction patterns of out-of-focus star
images to appear as ovals with an orientation that “turns” by 90°°
when the eyepiece is racked from one side of focus to the other.
The accompanying text explains how to quickly determine if any
visible astigmatism is introduced by the telescope optics, the
eyepiece, or your eye.
Inside focus Outside focus