78 July 2014 sky & telescope
Jerry Lodriguss
Thin clouds seem to conspire with the young Moon’s low altitude,
turning it a ruddy color over the skies of Philadelphia, Pennsylva-
nia, shortly before sunset on the evening of April 1st.
Details: Canon EOS Rebel T3i DSLR camera with Nikkor 180mm
f/2.8 ED lens. HDR composite combining multiple exposures ranging
from^1 / 15 th- to- 2 seconds at ISO 400.
Glenn Jolly
The dark albedo feature Syrtis Major is crowned by the cloud-
fi lled Hellas impact basin in the Martian southern hemisphere
(top) while more clouds cling to the fl anks of Elysium Mons (left).
Details: Celestron EdgeHD 14 Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope with
ZWO ASI120MM video camera. Stack of multiple exposures recorded
through color fi lters. ✦