Aviation History - July 2016

(Tuis.) #1

32 AH july 2016

P-38 Lightning devotees, who heatedly chal-
lenged him to a mock combat. Kearby accepted
the challenge, and on August 1 met 16-victory
P-38 ace Dick Bong in the skies over Port Moresby.
Witnesses judged the contest according to their
aircraft or pilot preference, but objective opinion
ply states that he met Kearby in a mock combat
that lasted about 35 minutes.
The 348th’s tactics centered on the P-47’s high-
altitude performance. Kearby stressed the abil-
heights to shred unwary Japanese formations with
its eight .50-caliber guns. Flights were arranged to
enemy below before the Japanese were aware of
their presence.
escort mission to Marilinan on August 16. After
the transports landed, about a dozen Nakajima
Lieutenant Thomas Barber sent one down into a
wild spin. Captain Max Wiecks took on another

good start in the theater.
Kearby himself would account for the next group
victories. In his combat report for the Sep tember
4 bomber-interception mission along the Huon
flight and when at 25,000 feet I observed one
tude. After observing them for two or three min-
utes I decided to investigate. I hesitated because I
hated to lose that precious altitude, and from the
When nobody else went after the Japanese
bomber, Kearby released his external tank and
dived on the enemy. “When at about 3000 feet I
saw the red balls on the wings of the Oscars and
[Mitsubishi G4M] Betty. I closed to 1500 feet and
half radii, hoping to get both of them, but was
most interested in the Betty. Tracers were seen
passing around the Oscar, and then, closing in, the
Kearby’s wingman Lieutenant George Orr,
whose guns had jammed while he pursued the sec-
ond Oscar, saw the enemy fighter that Kearby
attacked dive into the water. It was a spectacular vic-
Ten days later Kearby was leading eight P-47s
on a top cover mission for transports bound for
Malahang when he received a radar report of
bogies in the area. He shot down a Mitsubishi
Ki-46 “Dinah” twin-engine reconnaissance plane
tally for him until his most celebrated combat.


uring this period of the New Guinea cam-
paign, Lockheed’s P-38 was establishing
its reputation as the premier offensive
ion over Japanese aircraft made it the weapon of
was determined to change that situation, so he

Kearby and his men
conduct a free fighter
sweep in July 1943
(top left), while a
348th Group P-47
awaits its next mission
in a revetment at Port
Moresby (above).
Kearby’s chief rivals
included Dick Bong
(above right), with his
weapon of choice,
the P-38 Lightning.
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