Mentors Magazine: Issue 2

(MENTORSMagazine) #1


Most super-successful busi-
ness people had a strong

Warren Buffett, Steve Jobs, Larry Page, Ser-
gei Brin and Mark Zuckerberg all have tower-
ing success in common. But they also have
something else in common: Each one bene-
fited immensely from having great business
mentors to help them through their early
years as entrepreneurs.

By some estimates, up to 80 percent of the
country’s most successful entrepreneurs
credit their success to having enjoyed access
to great business mentors early on in their
careers. Another survey found that 93 per-
cent of executives with startup companies
viewed mentorship as an absolute necessity.

There is convincing research that mentorship
also has a huge effect on whether a compa-
ny will make it to the five-year mark. Small
Business Association research has indicated
that companies that are run by executives
who had early access in their startup careers
to a quality mentor are 40 percent more like-
ly to still be around five years after their

Clearly, being able to tap into the deep expe-
rience of someone who has been through

the mill is an invaluable asset to a new en-
trepreneur, who will often be operating in a
trap-strewn landscape that is littered with
the carcasses of defunct startups. And often
in business, the biggest mistakes are those
of omission. The expert eyes of someone
who has been there and done that can help
new entrepreneurs spot and seize every op-
portunity that comes their way.

The best things in entrepre-
neurial life are free

The great thing is that business mentors, un-
like coaches and consultants, don’t cost a
thing. They don’t have any ulterior motives
and are not trying to sell you an expensive
course or garner more publicity for their up-
coming book. They are real people with a
genuine interest in helping new entrepre-
neurs succeed.

But this raises the question? Who are these
selfless teachers, and where can one be

While there are groups that provide person-
al business mentoring, such as SCORE, many
entrepreneurs who have benefitted from
mentoring will tell you that they never went
far out of their way to find the people who
would help them go on to greatness. Most
of the time, these wise and experienced in-
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