Mentors Magazine: Issue 2

(MENTORSMagazine) #1


Neil Ball has been a serial entrepreneur for over 25 years with businesses in sectors such as
Printing, Consumer Electronics, Distribution, Removals, Storage, Mail Order, Property In-
vesting, Publishing and more. He has had his share of failures and successes on his entrepre-
neurial journey. The most successful of his businesses sold approximately £300 million or
$500 million of products via retail, mail order and ecommerce and was one of the largest in-
dependent consumer electronics companies in the UK.

In recent years Neil’s passion for entrepreneurship and helping other entrepreneurs has led
him to becoming a podcaster on his daily podcast The Entrepreneur Way where he interviews
entrepreneurs and business owners on their entrepreneurial journey and their secrets of suc-
cess. He is also a business coach and helps a small number of one on one clients in his coach-
ing business..

When he isn’t working on his business or helping others your will find him spending time with
beautiful wife Lorna and his 4 adult kids.

To connect or learn more go to: Twitter: @NeilDBall Linkedin: @NeilDBall

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