Mentors Magazine: Issue 2

(MENTORSMagazine) #1


"It took me until I was 55 years old to think
about all of this in any detail," he went on,
"and by that time I had lived through over
twenty-eight hundred Saturdays. I got to
thinking that if I lived to be 75, I only had
about 1,000 of them left to enjoy."

"So, I went into a toy store and bought every
single marble they had. I end up having to
visit three toy stores to round up 1000 mar-
bles. I took them home and put them inside
a large clear plastic container right here on
my workshop table next to the radio. Every
Saturday since then, I've taken one marble
out and threw it away."

"I found that watching the marbles diminish
caused me to focus more on the really im-
portant things in life. There's nothing like
watching your time here on this earth run
out, to help get your priorities straight."

"Now let me tell you one last thing before I
sign-off with you and take my lovely wife out
for breakfast. This morning, I took the very
last marble out of the container. I figure if I
can make until next Saturday then God has
blessed me with a little extra time to be with
my loved ones..."

"It was nice to talk to you Tom, I hope you
spend more time with your loved ones, and I
hope to meet you again someday. Have a
good morning!"

You could have heard a pin drop when he
hung up the phone. Even the shows modera-
tor didn't have a thing to say for a few mo-
ments. I guess he gave us all a lot to think

I had planned to do some work that morn-
ing, then go to the gym. Instead, I went up-
stairs and woke up my wife with a kiss.
"C'mon Honey, I'm taking you and the kids to

"What brought this on?" she asked with a
smile. "Oh, nothing special," I said. "It has
just been a long time since we'd spent Satur-
day together with the kids. Hey, can we stop
at the toy store while we're out? I need to
buy some marbles."
Have a great weekend and may all Saturdays
be special and may your happy years contin-
ue long after you lose all your mar-
bles.” (Oliver, 2019)

Works Cited
Bailyn, L. (2006). Breaking the Mold: Rede-
signing Work for Productive and Satisfying
Lives. Ithaca: ILr Press - Cornell University
Ellen Galinski, P. (2014, February 1). Over-
work in America: When the Way We Work
Becomes Too Much. Retrieved from Families
and Work Institute: http://
Gump, B. B., & Matthews, K. A. (2000). In B.
B. Gump, & K. A. Matthews, Are Vacations
Good for Your Health? The 9-Year Mortality
Experience After the Multiple Risk Factor In-
tervention Trial (pp. September/October
2000 - Volume 62 - Issue 5 - pp 608-612).
American Psychosomatic Society.
Oliver, B. (2019). Traveling Is Good For Your
Health! In B. Oliver, Secrets of Cooking
(Scratch and Sniff Edition) Using Spices,
Herbs & Salts (pp. 10-14). Las Vegas, NV: Ve-
gas New Wave Media.
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