Mentors Magazine: Issue 2

(MENTORSMagazine) #1


HARRISON MONARTH is the CEO and Founder of Gurumaker and author of Executive Pres-
ence: The Art of Commanding Respect Like a CEO. An Executive Coach and New York Times
bestselling author, he coaches C-suite leaders, senior executives, high potential managers and
other top professionals on effective leadership and positive behavior change for professional
and organizational success. He helps leaders at all levels develop a powerful personal brand
and authentic executive presence. With Harrison’s coaching, leaders
from various sectors develop increased self-awareness, overcome
“derailer” behaviors, enhance personal effectiveness, develop new
leadership skills and competencies, and communicate with confi-
dence and competence. His approach incorporates the latest re-
search in effective leadership, interpersonal communication, and
behavioral sciences. Harrison’s client list covers organizations such
as General Motors, Hewlett-Packard, MetLife, AT&T, Northrop
Grumman, Merrill Lynch, Deutsche Bank, Deloitte Consulting, Cisco
Systems, GE and Standard & Poor’s among others, as well as start-
up entrepreneurs, political candidates and Members of Congress. He has contributed to Har-
vard Business Review, Fortune and is a regular columnist for Twitter: @harrisonmonarth LinkedIn: @harrisonmonarth

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