Mentors Magazine: Issue 2

(MENTORSMagazine) #1


Think About Your Thinking, Add Value to
Others, Demonstrate Courage, Increase Your
Influence, Live Your Transformation.

We’ve all heard the phrase “walk your talk.”
We believe this phrase should change to
“behave your talk” to reflect the new mind-

set that is necessary to change the status

New behaviors put the leader in a new light,
with a new level of accountability — one
that requires we spend more time thinking
about our thinking and how we want to
lead. We need help to make this change in
our behaviors. We need help from those
closest to us, those who know us best. Do
you have an accountability partner or
group? Do you ask them to hold you ac-
countable for your behaviors? In our organi-
zation, leaders are required to participate in
a small group. These groups meet monthly
to share leadership challenges, get advice,
and build relationships with one another.
They are completely confidential and offer a
perfect group to be accountable to for your
behaviors. We challenge you to reflect on
what type of leader you are. If you’re truly a
servant leader, you’ll be accountable to
someone in your life specifically for your be-

Here are some actions you can take to prac-
tice real accountability as a servant leader:

Accept accountability for the lives we in-
Commit to changing your behavior by

practicing servant leader behaviors
such as Serve First, Build Trust, Live
Your Values, Listen to Understand,
Think About Your Thinking, Add Value
to Others, Demonstrate Courage, In-
crease Your Influence, and Live Your
Find an accountability partner or form a
small group to hold you accountable
for your new behaviors. This person or
group can help you navigate your new
approach to leadership.

When you view your role in your job and in
business as being accountable to and re-
sponsible for others, you’ll have a whole
new perspective, finding meaning and pur-
pose in what you do. You’ll also find your
leadership motives are aligned to serve oth-
ers, which ultimately serves the entire or-

It’s a journey you’ll be glad you took when
you look in the mirror every day.
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