Mentors Magazine: Issue 2

(MENTORSMagazine) #1


cute on plan, Employee satisfaction and Ex-
ceed expectations, and they can help any or-
ganization holistically excel across every pil-
lar of performance and achieve excellence.
Below is a detailed explanation of each of
them. I welcome you to leverage them in
your day to day work to maximize your suc-


Have a clear vision, mission statement and
time bound roadmap to achieve specific
Build the right organizational construct, ser-
vice delivery model, governance and quality
controls to effectively de-
liver and support your
services across all cus-
tomer constituencies.
Eliminate misalign-
ment between service
delivery organization
and its recipients that
then leads to various de-
grees of ineffectiveness.
Establish the right service level agreements
properly aligned to your organization’s busi-
ness objectives and associated operational
Define the right success criteria and neces-
sary performance metrics to measure
against them.
Extend high degree of transparency and pre-
dictability to the customer, wherever appli-
Focus on quality – No exceptions!


Make rational investment choices by dili-

gently evaluating opportunity cost and ROI
to decide on “pursuing the opportunity” vs.
“build in-house” or “outsource to third party
supplier” through established process frame-
Minimize or eliminate redundancy by con-
solidating organizations, tools, frameworks
and teams.
Continuously improve service quality by ap-
plying corrective measures from lessons
learned through closed-loop delivery mecha-
Establish tight integration and collaboration
with interdependent organization and ser-
vice recipients.
Introduce innovation, automation, process
rigor and quality assurance
in service delivery mod-
el to dramatically re-
duce productivity leak-
age due to poor quality
and rework.
Reduce complexity in
all stages and phases of
project life cycle.
Optimize employee related
expenses by having the right skills, experi-
ence and sourcing mix.
Harness globally distributed delivery capabil-
ities (GDDC) wherever appropriate.
Have the right mix of suppliers (small to
large) in your vendor portfolio.
Seek contingent labor or services from stra-
tegic suppliers to supplement or comple-
ment your capabilities or capacity con-
straints to address sudden surge of demand.


Any strategy will not yield true results unless
they are meticulously managed and execut-

Create stars (employees
who “walk the talk”)
instead of divas (“talk and
don’t deliver.”)
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