Mentors Magazine: Issue 2

(MENTORSMagazine) #1


ed hence select the “right” team to execute
the job.
Drive a sense of urgency
to achieve goals in a
time bound man-
ner. Determine the
goal you want to
achieve, and then
work your plan and
timeline backwards
from your goal.
Extend autonomy
to your leaders to in-
fuse passion, accountabil-
ity and ownership yet maintain close over-
sight at a macro program level to avoid sud-
den surprises.
While implementing your plan don't let your
desire for perfection stand in the way of
achieving solid performance metrics. Suc-
cessful results on a right plan are always
quick, more efficient and effective than per-
Timely apply course corrections, when re-
quired, to prevent any major slippages
Offer frequent status updates to customers
and other stakeholders to highlight the pur-
pose and benefits of the strategy (or plan or
program or project.)

Employee Satisfaction

Understand employee aspirations and ex-
plore the right avenues to map it to your or-
ganization’s goals.
Establish the support structure to assist em-
ployees in their career progression path
Create stars (employees who “walk the talk”)
instead of divas (“talk and don’t deliver.”)
Manage employee utilization and work load

Offer challenging assignments to employees
in addition to their routine work to improve
employee engagement.
Introduce talent
transformation pro-
grams to offer em-
ployees desired skill
gap trainings.
Institutionalize in-
novation and con-
tinuous improve-
ment programs that
can positively contrib-
ute to improved quality
and financial performance.
Reward excellence.

Exceed Expectations

Drive high level of customer engagement
and intimacy.
Set the right expectations and manage it
Under promise and consistently over-deliver.
Secure customer satisfaction survey at a reg-
ular frequency.
Act timely on customer feedback through an
action register and action plan.
Educate the customer on the progress of the
action plan and benefits.

I have been consistently blessed with the
privilege to secure mentoring from senior
leaders of highest pedigree present in the
industry. Coaching from these mentors
played a critical role in shaping my work phi-
losophies and I dedicate my success to them
who have guided me through various phases
of my professional career!

Understand employee
aspirations and explore the
right avenues to map it to
your organization’s goals.
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