Mentors Magazine: Issue 2

(MENTORSMagazine) #1


And so, there are a few secrets to creating
harmony in life, and I am going to give you
the first one. The first one is three simple
words, really simple words. Be here now. Be
here now. Wherever you are, be there. So, if
you are at work, don't be thinking about the
fact that you did not spend time with the
kids last night. And when you are at home,
and you are with the kids, don't be thinking
about that project that is sitting on your
desk that needs to be done. Wherever you
are, be fully present to that moment and en-
gaged to that moment, and don't have your
head someplace else. It’s the first rule of cre-
ating harmony.
The second thing is, to make sure to set
aside time to do all the things that are really
important in your life and it may not be ex-
actly the same number of hours that you are
going to be doing your business, at least not
now. But make
sure to schedule
those times, for
example, for me it
was really im-
portant to for me
to have dinner with the family every night.
Every night. And so as long as I was not trav-
elling, I made sure I blocked it, it was on my
calendar. I got a ding from my Outlook say-
ing 'go home, it’s time to have dinner with
the family.' And then I would go home and I
every night had dinner with the kids.
So look, when you are 70 years old, I doubt

any of us are going to say 'gee I wish I spent
more time at the office' We are going to
beat ourselves up for not having done some
of the things we really wanted to do in our
lives. And so, your life is going to be out of
balance, you can create harmony with it
though. And there is a lot of other things
that I recommend. But I think that is a really
important concept to understand, for busi-
ness people today is that they have to relax.
Don't be proud of the fact that you are not
relaxing, that’s not a good thing.
Neil: And do you have any Entrepreneurial
Role Models?
Ivan Misner: Sure, there are a number of
people that I really respect in business, I
have gotton to spend a fair amount of time
with Sir Richard Branson and very impressed
with him. He has, his people skills are just
amazing. He is able to network effectively
with people at all
levels of an or-
ganisation, and I
could tell you sev-
eral stories, of
watching him in-
teract with people. And how impressed I was
with how he dealt with people, particularly
people who were blue collar workers, and
how he treated them.
Another one that I really respect, another
gentleman that I really respect is Jack Can-
field, 'Chicken Soup for the Soul', and his re-
cent success book. There’s a guy who has

there are a few secrets to

creating harmony in life, and
I am going to give you the first one.
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