Aviation News - June 2016

(avery) #1


dwards AFB is a famous name in
aviation, and today is still at the
forefront of aerospace research
and test work.
This enormous base in California’s
Mojave Desert, about 100 miles (160km)
northeast of Los Angeles, makes use of

two huge natural resources: Rogers and
Rosamond dry lakebeds. The former is the
larger of the two, though both have been
used for emergency and test landings.
The Space Shuttle also used Rogers
dry lakebed as well as the base’s more
conventional runways.

Rogers, covering about 44 sq miles
(114km), is next to the main Edwards
complex and has eight runways criss-
crossing its surface. Rosamond dry
lake, southwest of Rogers, covers
21 sq miles (54km) and has two




Erik Bruijns and Mark de Greeuw report from the Edwards AFB, California,

which has been synonymous with fl ight test and research for decades.

42 Aviation News incorporating Classic Aircraft June 2016

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