Aviation News - June 2016

(avery) #1
The history of Edwards AFB and the
military’s use of Rogers and Rosamond
date back to the early 1930s when US
Army Air Corps aircraft from what is now
March Air Reserve Base in California  ew
over the lakebeds for bombing and gunnery

During World War Two, facilities were
established northwest of Rogers dry lake
and the area was given the name Muroc
Army Field. It was ideally suited for year-
round  ight-testing because of its excellent
weather and the dry lakebeds.
In the post-war years, operations at

North and South bases were combined.
The latter – the old main base – became the
site for one of the major events in aviation
history. The sound barrier was broken on
October 14, 1947 when Capt Charles E
Yeager piloted the Bell X-1 to a speed of
Mach 1.06.

http://www.aviation-news.co.uk 43

Above: A Royal Netherlands
Air Force KDC-10 over part
of Edwards AFB with a Dutch
Lightning II on a test mission
to certify the tanker for air-to-
air refuelling with the F-35A.
USAF/Chris Okula
Left: A Raptor assigned
to the 411th FLTS. All photos
Erik Bruijns and Mark de
Greeuw unless stated

42-47_edwardsMFDC.mfDC.mf.indd 43 04/05/2016 22:26

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