Aviation News - June 2016

(avery) #1
different FLTSs has been reduced and
programmes combined to save costs and to
create more synergy. Some major changes
took place in May last year. On the 1st the
445th FLTS was merged with the 416th
FLTS, while on the 15th the 412th FLTS was
disbanded and the sole Speckled Trout, s/n
63-7980 (a highly modi ed KC-135) found a

new home in the 418th FLTS. It is currently
being used in the F-35 programme but, as
the only receiver-capable KC-135 on base,
it will eventually also be used for KC-46-
related work.
Some programmes have had to be
cancelled and others put on hold until more
funds are available. An example is the

Service Life Extension Program (SLEP) for
the F-16, which was to extend the type’s
service life from 8,000 to 10,000 – or, in
some cases, even 12,000 –  ying hours.
Nevertheless, with new aircraft being
tested and older ones being upgraded,
there’s plenty of work for the personnel at
Edwards AFB for the foreseeable future.

http://www.aviation-news.co.uk 47

NASA’s Beechcraft King Air N7NA mission support aircraft over the compass rose on Rogers Dry Lake adjacent to NASA’s Armstrong Flight
Research Center. NASA/Jim Ross

Lightning II BF01 was the  rst short take-off and vertical landing aircraft to  y in the
Joint Strike Fighter programme. There are currently 22 F-35s based at Edwards.

42-47_edwardsMFDC.mfDC.mf.indd 47 04/05/2016 16:55

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