The Times - UK (2022-05-28)

(Antfer) #1

44 2GM Saturday May 28 2022 | the times

Wo r l d

When President Putin began his war,
he did so in the hope of subsuming
Ukraine and dividing the West. So far,
however, his biggest gain to speak of
has come in the form of wheat.
Russia’s blockade of ports along the
Black Sea has not only placed a
stranglehold on Ukraine’s economy but
also hobbled a key competitor in the
world grain market.
More than 20 million tonnes of
Ukrainian grain is rotting in silos and
commercial vessels around the coun-
try, unable to reach its destination.
Ukraine is the fifth-biggest exporter
of wheat and the blockade has sent the
price up by 60 per cent since the start of
the year, to a near-record high.
Russia, the world’s top wheat export-
er, has been only too happy to fill this
gap, selling not only more of the com-
modity but at a higher price. President
Zelensky has said that Russia is also
attempting to sell grain stolen by its
soldiers from farms in occupied
Last month, as Ukraine’s wheat
exports fell by 32 per cent compared
with April last year, Russia’s rose by

18 per cent, according to AgFlow, an
agriculture market analysis company.
The Russian Treasury is estimated to
have collected $1.9 billion in revenues
from wheat export taxes this season.
The blockade has been devastating
for Ukraine, which earns about 10 per
cent of its GDP through the food and
agriculture sector. The sector accounts
for about 5 per cent of Russia’s GDP.
“Before the war, Ukrainian wheat
and corn exports were growing,
whereas Russian exports were declin-
ing. Since then though, they have sky-
rocketed,” Nabil Mseddi, chief execu-
tive of AgFlow, said. “The loss in
Ukraine’s export volumes matches
almost exactly Russia’s gain. It there-
fore could be interpreted quite accu-
rately as sidelining of a trade rival.”
The two countries share many of the
same export partners, located for the
most part in north Africa and the Mid-
dle East. Faced with the possibility of
food shortages, many are turning to
Russia to make up the shortfall. Egypt,

Cost of wheat

Daily price per bushel

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022









Source: Refinitiv

Feb 24

One of America’s biggest
intelligence agencies has recruited
three commercial satellite
companies to help spy on Russian
military activities in Ukraine.
The National Reconnaissance
Office (NRO), which has at least
50 intelligence-gathering satellites,
has signed a multibillion-dollar
deal with companies that have
been leading the field in exposing
Russian actions in Ukraine,
including the plundering of vital
grain exports.
Images from NRO and
commercial satellites have played
a crucial role in helping the
Ukrainians plot counterattacks
against the invader, revealing to
the world the actions taken by
Russian forces since February 24.
Maxar Technologies, awarded a
ten-year contract by the NRO
worth $3.24 billion, produced
satellite images this week which
showed two Russian-flagged cargo
ships, the Matros Pozynich and
Matros Koshka, loading up with
Ukrainian grain at the port of
Sevastopol in Crimea.
The two other US companies
contracted by the NRO are
BlackSky, based in Herndon,
Virginia, and Planet Technology,
in San Francisco.
All three private companies
operate fleets of satellites and have
played an increasingly influential
role in detecting Russian missile
positions and troop movements,
with the Pentagon and the NRO
coming to rely on the images.
The commercial satellites,
smaller and cheaper, are able to
exploit the revolution in new
technology. “The NRO has a
longstanding strategy of buy what
we can, build what we must,” Chris
Scolese, the NRO director, said.

US pays for

eye in the sky

Michael Evans

Russia is winning

battle to control

the world’s wheat

Iran and Turkey have been the biggest
buyers, with Russian exports to those
nations surging by 500, 481 and 381 per
cent respectively.
While the Kremlin swells its coffers,
as many as 50 million people around
the world are at risk of starvation,
ccording to the World Food Pro-
gramme,which is part of the UN.
Ursula von der Leyen, the president
of the European Commission, said this
week that Russia was “using hunger
and grain to wield power”.
Talks are under way in Ankara to
open a “humanitarian corridor” for
grain shipments through the Black Sea,
and there have been suggestions that
Nato ships might escort cargo vessels.
Putin, however, has sought to blame
western sanctions for the crisis, saying
that he would consider lifting the
blockade only in exchange for a relaxa-
tion of the embargos. Dmytro Kuleba,
Ukraine’s foreign minister, told Davos:
“You could not find a better example of
a blackmail in international relations.”
Russia’s ability to hold the grain
market to ransom marks a remarkable
turnaround of its agricultural sector
over the past 20 years. For much of the
second half of the 20th century the
country relied hugely on imports from
North America. In 1999, the year before
Putin became president, Russia had a
trade deficit for wheat of $354 million.
Increasing production to reach self-
sufficiency was one of the new presi-
dent’s key priorities, and by 2002 the
country had become a net exporter,
selling $884 million of wheat each year.
By 2017 Russia had overtaken the US
and Canada to become the biggest
exporter of wheat, selling just over
$8 billion worth. It is not a coincidence
that this ascent occurred after the an-
nexation of Crimea in 2014, when
Russia was hit by western sanctions.
Agriculture remained one of the few
sectors not under sanctions and thus
provided key sources of foreign capital,
as well as a tool to wield influence over
importer nations, Caitlin Welsh, direct-
or of global food security at the Centre
for International and Strategic Studies,
said. “The West very deliberately didn’t
sanction Russian agriculture as it
would be far more harmful for those
countries that rely on Russian wheat,”
she said. “When the Kremlin says that
the food crisis is being caused by west-
ern sanctions that is entirely untrue as
agriculture is not under sanction.”
As a measure of the importance with
which Putin views grain to the future of
the Russian economy, he has appointed
the son of one of his closest allies as his
agriculture minister. Dmitry Patrush-
ev, whose father is Nikolai Patrushev,
secretary of the security council and a
former FSB director, has been tasked
with adding another 50 per cent to the
value of agricultural exports by 2024.
The right course is to help Kyiv win,
leading article, page 33

Tom Ball

A cargo ship is loaded with grain in
Crimea, which Russia seized in 2014


moke could be
seen rising
yesterday over
Lysychansk, the
last town on
the road into
Severodonetsk, a key
target for the Russians
(Richard Spencer
In the surrounding
valley puffs of white
vapour rose from the
Ukrainian artillery
positions, hidden in
the clumps of trees

that line the route.
“We have pushed the
Russians back,” said
the officer guarding
the last checkpoint
before the road
descends into the
Severodonetsk pocket,
now just ten miles
from being cut off and
surrounded by the
invaders. “We can
travel down it, but it is
under shellfire, and
they are so close they
can hit the vehicles

with sniper fire and
even rifle fire, let
alone artillery.”
The T1302, an
unremarkable B-road
heading north, is the
main supply line to
Severodonetsk and
Lysychansk, the only
towns in the pocket
still under Ukrainian
control in Luhansk.
The Russians are
applying a pincer from
either side. They failed
to establish a crossing
over the Severskyi
Donets river to the
northwest of here,
losing hundreds of
men in the process,
but on the east side
they have advanced
from the town of

Surrounded, but

Ukraine will fight

to bitter end in east

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