Cognitive Approaches to Specialist Languages

(Tina Sui) #1
Stylistic Devices and Creativity in Popular Science Headlines 319

in Polish it means only the latter), Rethinking Nero – Nie taki záy Neron, or
conversely, there are no metaphors in English, but they can be added in
Polish: On the trail with the first skiers – Przez Aátaj na nartach retro
(where ‘narty retro’, literally, ‘retro skies’ seems to be a novel metaphor)
or How to farm a better fish – Morza do uprawy and The next breadbasket

  • Czarny spichlerz.
    It needs to be mentioned that even sayings can be preserved in the
    process of translation or they can be substituted by target language
    equivalents, as the following 4 instances exemplify: When push comes to
    shove – Gdy przychodzi co do czego, It all began in chaos – Na początku
    byá chaos, Once upon a dragon – Byá sobie smok and Failure is an option

  • Prawo do báĊdu (the meaning of the two sayings is not equivalent here
    because in Polish we have ‘the right to fail or to make a mistake’).
    There are also a lot of cases in which alliteration present in the English
    version has not been preserved in the Polish one, consider: Small, small
    world – Maáy Ğwiat, Return to river town – Powrót do miasta nad rzeką,
    Of mammoths and men – Mamuty i ludzie, The price of precious – Cena
    tego co cenne, Putin’s party – Impreza Putina, Digging for dinosaurs –
    Dinozaury z Utah, Love and loss on the Seine – RadoĞü i smutek na
    barkach ParyĪa i Sekwanie (in addition, there is a word play in the Polish
    headline which has been explained in one of the preceding sections),
    Lowcoutry legacy – Odzyskana przyroda Karoliny and Just press print –
    Po prostu wciĞniej ,druk’ (here the imperative construction is preserved in
    both languages).
    Sometimes alliteration in Polish is used to compensate for the loss of
    the novel metaphor in English, consider: Deep sea challenge – Do dna (in
    Polish this is also a conventional metaphor since ‘do dna’ means ‘to
    drain’). In some other cases there is no alliteration in English, but it is
    present in Polish: Last of the Viking Whalers – Ostatni Wikingowie
    wielorybnicy and Sorrow on the Mountain – Smutek wokóá góry gór.
    Finally, in some cases alliteration is present in both language versions:
    Kinshasa, urban pulse of the Congo – Kinszasa miejskie serce Konga, The
    visual village – Wizualna wioska, Monkeys of Morocco – Makaki z
    Maroka and Blessed cursed claimed – Báogosáawione przeklĊte poĪądane.
    In addition, some intensifiers are also preserved in translation: The last
    chase – Ostatnia pogoĔ, but not rhetorical or stimulating questions: Can
    coal ever be clean? – WĊgiel. As far as compounds are concerned one can
    identify 5 cases in English and they are translated into Polish as either
    novel or conventional metaphors: Quicksilver – ĩywe srebro, Star-eater –
    Porzeracz gwiazd, The ship-breakers – Morscy záomiarze, Mindsuckers –
    Porzeracze umysáów and The next breadbasket – Czarny spichlerz.

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