Cognitive Approaches to Specialist Languages

(Tina Sui) #1
The Use of Framing to Conceptualize Specialized Terminology

in attaching a high degree of precision to the activities connected with the
use of these words.

I argue here that a close look at the lexeme’s linguistic embedding serves
as a linguistic means to identify the underlying activities. In the following,
I will begin by presenting a collocation analysis of both notions, before I
attempt to frame the linguistic co-occurrences, meaning I will investigate
in what way the co-occurring linguistic realizations are conceptually
related and how the relations can be systematically captured by framing.

Collocation analysis of quality

In an everyday sense of the word, the noun quality refers to a specific
characteristic of someone or something, a high degree of excellence, or
how good or bad something is (cf. Merriam Webster Online, Oxford
English Dictionary Online). Quality assessment of food products is
amongst the main objectives in the field of sensory science. Further,
experts in the field do not only talk about the quality of items amongst
each other, they aim at understanding lay peoples’ (consumers’)
assessments of a food products, i.e. gaining an understanding of scientists’
use of quality in research studies in terms of a conceptual frame can serve
as a source of reference to achieve mutual understanding.
Table 2 presents the most frequent collocations of quality (n=2604) in
the first position to the left (L1 collocates) and the first position to the right
(R1 collocates) of the keyword. It should be noted that instances of the
collocation food quality as occurring in the journal title Food Quality and
Preference have been omitted from the analysis. This collocation analysis
is by no means exhaustive, rather it serves to exemplify how we can
identify a lexeme’s semantic network based on an investigation of the
linguistic environment.

Rank L1 collocate Freq.

Rank R1 collocate Freq.
1 bread 84 1 attribute 63
2 sensory 69 2 characteristic 55
3 cooked 40 3 parameter 39
4 high 40 4 grade 32
5 product 33 5 food 20
6 frozen 28 6 evaluation 19
7 overall 25 7 index 17
8 nutritional 22 8 change 14
9 canned 19 9 control 11
10 good 17 10 preference 9

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