Cognitive Approaches to Specialist Languages

(Tina Sui) #1
The Use of Framing to Conceptualize Specialized Terminology

Figure 2. A frame template for understanding sensory scientific terminology.

The event portrayed in Figure 2 can be roughly paraphrased as follows: An
assessor initiates an examination or manipulation of an object, which
results in a specific outcome. This process may be subject to
standardization, for instance to allow an exact reproducibility of the
operationalization. Specifications of the roles include, for example,
whether the assessor is a human subject or an instrument, or whether the
outcome refers to a product’s change of state or a to an assessor’s
liking/disliking of a product.
The sequential structure of the frame, moving from left to right
horizontally, is reflected in two ways in the use of specialized language.
Communicatively, this process is displayed in the set-up of the specialized
text and in the utterance. The studies are organized such that they guide
the reader through the specific research activity as reflected in the frame
template (cf. Diederich 2015). Furthermore, the lexical embedding of the
keywords (quality, protein) syntactically corresponds with the conceptual
sequence of the procedures. This is exemplified in (13):

(13) In order to obtain a relatively objective conclusion, all members had
gained unified guidance and evaluation practice training about the sensory
quality features of litchi fruits, and according to a five-point hedonic scale
(1 point means poor and 5 points means excellent) they could give the very
close scores of sensory quality of the same litchi samples after the
evaluation training (FST 60.2.Part1).

We can allocate the agents and activities in (13) to the various frame
components in Figure 2. The lexeme members refers to the members of the
panel, thus denoting human assessors. This examination is encoded in
evaluation practice. The food samples at stake, litchi fruits, are assessed
with regard to particular sensory quality features. While the referential
meaning of sensory quality features may not be clear at first, the semantics
are illuminated to a certain extent with the specification of the evaluation
practice as hedonic evaluation. The frame template in Figure 2 presents a

Assessor initiates Examination/Manipulation affects Object results Reaction/Outcome Standardization process

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