Cognitive Approaches to Specialist Languages

(Tina Sui) #1

Chapter Seventeen

Figure 1. A possible frame representation for MANAGEMENT.

GOAL is concerned with the desired result of activity where either a
person, group of people or organisation plan and commit to achieving a
desired personal or organisational end-point in some sort of expected
development. However, on the other hand, ACTIVITY concentrates on the
set of activities aimed at reaching the organisation's objectives. When it
comes to MEDIUM, it pertains to the set of individuals who make up a
particular workforce of an organisation, business sector, or economy,
sharing a common interest and who are prepared to work together. MODE
concerns a method of leadership used by managers, characteristic ways of
making decisions and relating to subordinates. FUNCTION alludes to the
role of managers who oversee different kinds of situations, making
appropriate decisions and adapting to new ways of working.
Obviously, one could enumerate other elements of MANAGEMENT,
but in the remaining part of the chapter I shall merely concentrate on
selected points. However, before proceeding, one needs to refer to the
history and an explanation of the notion of MANAGEMENT it offers.
This additional information seems to be of great importance, considering
the possibility it gives of more detailed elaboration in the perception of the
notion. Nevertheless, finding satisfying wording will not be an easy

A historical look at MANAGEMENT

Among the issues that seem to be of utmost importance is the role of the
historical aspect in the shaping of the concept, and the fact that
MANAGEMENT has always changed over time; which also raises
difficulties in any attempts at analyzing the concept. As postulated by Daft
(2012: 33-34), a historical perspective provides a broader way of thinking,
that is, learning from others’ mistakes or successes enables us to draw
conclusions which in turn influence organisations and the practice of
MANAGEMENT. In this context, Daft (2012) pinpoints aspects such as:

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